Method Image.Image()->noise()

Method noise

void noise(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange)
void noise(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange, float scale, float xdiff, float ydiff, float cscale)


Gives a new image with the old image's size, filled width a 'noise' pattern.

The random seed may be different with each instance of pike.

Example: ->noise( ({0,({255,0,0}), 0.3,({0,255,0}), 0.6,({0,0,255}), 0.8,({255,255,0})}), 0.2,0.0,0.0,1.0 );

Parameter colorrange

colorrange table

Parameter scale

default value is 0.1

Parameter xdiff
Parameter ydiff

default value is 0,0

Parameter cscale

default value is 1

See also
