Method Image.Image()->tuned_box()

Method tuned_box

object tuned_box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, array(array(int)) corner_color)


Draws a filled rectangle with colors (and alpha values) tuned between the corners.

Tuning function is (1.0-x/xw)*(1.0-y/yw) where x and y is the distance to the corner and xw and yw are the sides of the rectangle.

original tuned box solid tuning
tuning transparency
(as left + 255,128,128,0)

Parameter x1
Parameter y1
Parameter x2
Parameter y2

rectangle corners

Parameter corner_color

colors of the corners:

each of these is an array of integeres:
({r,g,b}) or ({r,g,b,alpha})
Default alpha channel value is 0 (opaque).


the object called