12. Image Module

Class Image.Image


The main object of the Image module, this object is used as drawing area, mask or result of operations.

clear, clone, create, xsize, ysize

plain drawing:
box, circle, getpixel, line, setcolor, setpixel, threshold, polyfill

`&, `*, `+, `-, `==, `>, `<, `|

pasting images:
paste, paste_alpha, paste_alpha_color, paste_mask

getting subimages, scaling, rotating:
autocrop, clone, copy, dct, mirrorx, rotate, rotate_ccw, rotate_cw, rotate_expand, scale, skewx, skewx_expand, skewy, skewy_expand

calculation by pixels:
apply_matrix, change_color, color, distancesq, grey, invert, modify_by_intensity, outline select_from, rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb, rgb_to_yuv, yuv_to_rgb,

average, max, min, sum, sumf, find_min, find_max

special pattern drawing:
noise, turbulence, test, tuned_box, gradients, random

See also

Image, Image.Font, Image.Colortable, Image.X

Method `/
Method `%

object res = Image.Image() / operand
object res = Image.Image() / color
object res = Image.Image() / value
object res = Image.Image() % operand
object res = Image.Image() % color
object res = Image.Image() % value


Divides pixel values and creates a new image from the result or the rest.

Parameter operand

the other image to divide with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color
Parameter value

if specified as color or value, it will act as a whole image of that color (or value).


the new image object


It isn't possible to do a modulo 256 either. (why?)

See also

`-, `+, `|, `&amp;, `*, Image.Layer

Method `&

object res = Image.Image() & operand
object res = Image.Image() & color
object res = Image.Image() & value


makes a new image out of the minimum pixels values

Parameter operand

the other image to compare with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


the new image object

See also

`-, `+, `|, `*, Image.Layer

Method `*

object res = Image.Image() * operand
object res = Image.Image() * color
object res = Image.Image() * value
object res = Image.Image() * value


Multiplies pixel values and creates a new image. This can be useful to lower the values of an image, making it greyer, for instance:


Parameter operand

the other image to multiply with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


the new image object

See also

`-, `+, `|, `&amp;, Image.Layer

Method `+

object res = Image.Image() + operand
object res = Image.Image() + color
object res = Image.Image() + value


adds two images; values are truncated at 255.

Parameter operand

the image which to add.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


the new image object

See also

`-, `|, `&amp;, `*, Image.Layer

Method `-

object res = Image.Image() - operand
object res = Image.Image() - color
object res = Image.Image() - value


makes a new image out of the difference

Parameter operand

the other image to compare with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


the new image object

See also

`+, `|, `&amp;, `*, Image.Layer, min, max, `==

Method `==
Method `<
Method `>

int res = Image.Image() == operand
int res = Image.Image() == color
int res = Image.Image() == value
int res = Image.Image() < operand
int res = Image.Image() < color
int res = Image.Image() < value
int res = Image.Image() > operand
int res = Image.Image() > color
int res = Image.Image() > value


Compares an image with another image or a color.

Comparision is strict and on pixel-by-pixel basis. (Means if not all pixel r,g,b values are correct compared with the corresponding pixel values, 0 is returned.)

Parameter operand

the other image to compare with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


true (1) or false (0).


`< or `> on empty ("no image") image objects or images with different size will result in an error. `== is always true on two empty image objects and always false if one and only one of the image objects is empty or the images differs in size.

a>=b and a<=b between objects is equal to !(a<b) and !(a>b), which may not be what you want (since both < and > can return false, comparing the same images).

See also

`-, `+, `|, `*, `&amp;

Method `|

object res = Image.Image() | operand
object res = Image.Image() | color
object res = Image.Image() | value


makes a new image out of the maximum pixels values

Parameter operand

the other image to compare with; the images must have the same size.

Parameter color

an array in format ({r,g,b}), this is equal to using an uniform-colored image.

Parameter value

equal to ({value,value,value}).


the new image object

See also

`-, `+, `&amp;, `*, Image.Layer

Method apply_curve

object apply_curve(object array(int(0..255)
object apply_curve(object array(int(0..255)
object apply_curve(object stringchannel, object array(int(0..255)


Apply a lookup-table on all pixels in an image. If only one curve is passed, use the same curve for red, green and blue. If 'channel' is specified, the curve is only applied to the specified channel.

Parameter curve_r
Parameter curve_g
Parameter curve_b
Parameter curve

An array with 256 elements, each between 0 and 255. It is used as a look-up table, if the pixel value is 2 and curve[2] is 10, the new pixel value will be 10.

Parameter channel

one of "red", "green", "blue", "value", "saturation" and "hue".


a new image object

See also

gamma, `*, modify_by_intensity

Method apply_matrix

object apply_matrix(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix)
object apply_matrix(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix, int r, int g, int b)
object apply_matrix(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix, int r, int g, int b, int|float div)


Applies a pixel-transform matrix, or filter, to the image.

                       2   2
pixel(x,y)= base+ k ( sum sum pixel(x+k-1,y+l-1)*matrix(k,l) )
                      k=0 l=0

1/k is sum of matrix, or sum of matrix multiplied with div. base is given by r,g,b and is normally black.

blur (ie a 2d gauss function):
sharpen (k>8, preferably 12 or 16):
  ({-1, k,-1}),
edge detect:
({({1, 1,1}),
  ({1, 1,1})})
horisontal edge detect (get the idea):
({({0, 0,0}),
  ({0, 0,0})})
emboss (might prefer to begin with a grey image):
({({2, 1, 0}),
  ({1, 0,-1}),
  ({0,-1,-2})}), 128,128,128, 3

This function is not very fast.

Parameter array

the matrix; innermost is a value or an array with red, green, blue values for red, green, blue separation.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

base level of result, default is zero

Parameter div

division factor, default is 1.0.


the new image object

Method apply_max

object apply_max(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix)
object apply_max(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix, int r, int g, int b)
object apply_max(array(array(int|array(int))) matrix, int r, int g, int b, int|float div)


This is the same as apply_matrix, but it uses the maximum instead.

This function is not very fast.

Parameter array

the matrix; innermost is a value or an array with red, green, blue values for red, green, blue separation.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

base level of result, default is zero

Parameter div

division factor, default is 1.0.


the new image object


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions

Method autocrop
Method find_autocrop

object autocrop()
object autocrop(int border)
object autocrop(int border, Color color)
object autocrop(int border, int left, int right, int top, int bottom)
object autocrop(int border, int left, int right, int top, int bottom, Color color)
array(int) find_autocrop()
array(int) find_autocrop(int border)
array(int) find_autocrop(int border, int left, int right, int top, int bottom)


Removes "unnecessary" borders around the image, adds one of its own if wanted to, in selected directions.

"Unnecessary" is all pixels that are equal -- ie if all the same pixels to the left are the same color, that column of pixels are removed.

The find_autocrop() function simply returns x1,y1,x2,y2 for the kept area. (This can be used with copy later.)

Parameter border
Parameter left
Parameter right
Parameter top
Parameter bottom

which borders to scan and cut the image; a typical example is removing the top and bottom unnecessary pixels:

img=img->autocrop(0, 0,0,1,1);


the new image object

See also


Method average
Method min
Method max
Method sum
Method sumf

array(float) average()
array(int) min()
array(int) max()
array(int) sum()
array(float) sumf()


Gives back the average, minimum, maximum color value, and the sum of all pixel's color value.


sum() values can wrap! Most systems only have 31 bits available for positive integers. (Meaning, be careful with images that have more than 8425104 pixels.)

average() and sumf() may also wrap, but on a line basis. (Meaning, be careful with images that are wider than 8425104 pixels.) These functions may have a precision problem instead, during to limits in the 'double' C type and/or 'float' Pike type.

Method bitscale

object bitscale(float factor)
object bitscale(float xfactor, float yfactor)


scales the image with a factor, without smoothing. This routine is faster than scale, but gives less correct results

original bitscale(0.75) scale(0.75)

Parameter factor

factor to use for both x and y

Parameter xfactor
Parameter yfactor

separate factors for x and y


the new image object

Method bitscale

object bitscale(int newxsize, int newysize)
object bitscale(0, int newysize)
object bitscale(int newxsize, 0)


scales the image to a specified new size, if one of newxsize or newysize is 0, the image aspect ratio is preserved.

Parameter newxsize
Parameter newysize

new image size in pixels


the new image object


resulting image will be 1x1 pixels, at least

Method blur

string blur(int no_pass)


A special case of apply_matrix that creates a blur effect. About four times faster than the generic apply_matrix. @[no_pass] is the number of times the blur matrix is applied.

original blur(1) blur(5)

See also

apply_matrix, grey_blur

Method box

object box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
object box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b)
object box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


Draws a filled rectangle on the image.

original ->box

Parameter x1
Parameter y1
Parameter x2
Parameter y2

box corners

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color of the box

Parameter alpha

alpha value


the object called

Method cast



Cast the image to another datatype. Currently supported are string ("rgbrgbrgb...") and array (double array of Image.Color objects).

See also

Image.Color, Image.X

Method change_color

object change_color(int tor, int tog, int tob)
object change_color(int fromr, int fromg, int fromb, int tor, int tog, int tob)


Changes one color (exact match) to another. If non-exact-match is preferred, check distancesq and paste_alpha_color.

Parameter tor
Parameter tog
Parameter tob

destination color and next current color

Parameter fromr
Parameter fromg
Parameter fromb

source color, default is current color


a new (the destination) image object

Method circle

object circle(int x, int y, int rx, int ry)
object circle(int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int r, int g, int b)
object circle(int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


Draws a circle on the image. The circle is not antialiased.

original ->circle

Parameter x
Parameter y

circle center

Parameter rx
Parameter ry

circle radius in pixels

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b


Parameter alpha

alpha value


the object called

Method clear

object clear()
object clear(int r, int g, int b)
object clear(int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


gives a new, cleared image with the same size of drawing area

original ->clear

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color of the new image

Parameter alpha

new default alpha channel value

See also

copy, clone

Method clone

object clone()
object clone(int xsize, int ysize)
object clone(int xsize, int ysize, int r, int g, int b)
object clone(int xsize, int ysize, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


Copies to or initialize a new image object.

original clone clone(50,50)

Parameter xsize
Parameter ysize

size of (new) image in pixels, called image is cropped to that size

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

current color of the new image, default is black. Will also be the background color if the cloned image is empty (no drawing area made).

Parameter alpha

new default alpha channel value


the new object

See also

copy, create

Method color

object color()
object color(int value)
object color(Color color)
object color(int r, int g, int b)


Colorize an image.

The red, green and blue values of the pixels are multiplied with the given value(s). This works best on a grey image...

The result is divided by 255, giving correct pixel values.

If no arguments are given, the current color is used as factors.

original ->color(128,128,255);

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

red, green, blue factors

Parameter color

Color object with factors

Parameter value



the new image object

See also

grey, `*, modify_by_intensity

Method copy

object copy()
object copy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
object copy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b)
object copy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


Copies this part of the image. The requested area can be smaller, giving a cropped image, or bigger - the new area will be filled with the given or current color.

original ->copy

Parameter x1
Parameter y1
Parameter x2
Parameter y2

The requested new area. Default is the old image size.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color of the new image

Parameter alpha

new default alpha channel value


a new image object


clone(void) and copy(void) does the same operation

See also

clone, autocrop

Method create

Image.Image Image.Image()
Image.Image Image.Image(Image.Image image)
Image.Image Image.Image(int xsize, int ysize)
Image.Image Image.Image(int xsize, int ysize, Color color)
Image.Image Image.Image(int xsize, int ysize, int r, int g, int b)
Image.Image Image.Image(int xsize, int ysize, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)
Image.Image Image.Image(int xsize, int ysize, string method, method ...)


Initializes a new image object.


The image can also be calculated from some special methods, for convinience:

channel modes; followed by a number of 1-char-per-pixel strings
or image objects (where red channel will be used),
or an integer value:
  "grey" : make a grey image (needs 1 source: grey)
  "rgb"  : make an rgb image (needs 3 sources: red, green and blue)
  "cmyk" : make a rgb image from cmyk (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)
  "adjusted_cmyk" : make a rgb image from cmyk
           (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) where the colors aren't
           100% pure (C: 009ee0, M: e2007a, Y: ffec00, K: 1a171b).
  "raw"  : make an image from a binary string
generate modes; all extra arguments is given to the
generation function. These has the same name as the method:
specials cases:
  "<ref>tuned_box</ref>" (coordinates is automatic)

Parameter image

Image to clone.

Parameter xsize
Parameter ysize

size of (new) image in pixels

Parameter color
Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

background color (will also be current color), default color is black

Parameter alpha

default alpha channel value


SIGSEGVS can be caused if the size is too big, due to unchecked overflow - (xsize*ysize)&MAXINT is small enough to allocate.

See also

copy, clone, Image.Image

Method dct

object dct(int newx, int newy)


Scales the image to a new size.

Method for scaling is rather complex; the image is transformed via a cosine transform, and then resampled back.

This gives a quality-conserving upscale, but the algorithm used is n*n+n*m, where n and m is pixels in the original and new image.

Recommended wrapping algorithm is to scale overlapping parts of the image-to-be-scaled.

This functionality is actually added as an true experiment, but works...

Parameter newx
Parameter newy

new image size in pixels


the new image object


Do NOT use this function if you don't know what you're dealing with! Read some signal theory first...

It doesn't use any fct (compare: fft) algorithms.

Method distancesq

object distancesq()
object distancesq(int r, int g, int b)


Makes an grey-scale image, for alpha-channel use.

The given value (or current color) are used for coordinates in the color cube. Each resulting pixel is the distance from this point to the source pixel color, in the color cube, squared, rightshifted 8 steps:

p = pixel color
o = given color
d = destination pixel

original distance² to cyan ...to purple ...to yellow

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

red, green, blue coordinates


the new image object

See also


Method find_min
Method find_max

array(int) find_min()
array(int) find_max()
array(int) find_min(int r, int g, int b)
array(int) find_max(int r, int g, int b)


Gives back the position of the minimum or maximum pixel value, weighted to grey.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

weight of color, default is r=87,g=127,b=41, same as the grey() method.

Method gamma

object gamma(float g)
object gamma(float gred, object floatggreen, object floatgblue)


Calculate pixels in image by gamma curve.

Intensity of new pixels are calculated by:
i' = i^g

For example, you are viewing your image on a screen with gamma 2.2. To correct your image to the correct gamma value, do something like:


Parameter g
Parameter gred
Parameter ggreen
Parameter gblue

gamma value


a new image object

See also

grey, `*, color

Method getpixel

array(int) getpixel(int x, int y)

Parameter x
Parameter y

position of the pixel


color of the requested pixel -- ({int red,int green,int blue})

Method gradients

int gradients(array(int) point, object ...)
int gradients(array(int) point, object ..., object floatgrad)


original 2 color
10 color
3 colors,
3 colors,
3 colors,


the new image

Method grey

object grey()
object grey(int r, int g, int b)


Makes a grey-scale image (with weighted values).

original ->grey(); ->grey(0,0,255);

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

weight of color, default is r=87,g=127,b=41, which should be pretty accurate of what the eyes see...


the new image object

See also

color, `*, modify_by_intensity

Method grey_blur

object grey_blur(int no_pass)


Works like blur, but only operates on the r color channel. A faster alternative to blur for grey scale images. @[no_pass] is the number of times the blur matrix is applied.

original grey_blur(1) grey_blur(5)

See also


Method rgb_to_hsv
Method hsv_to_rgb

object rgb_to_hsv()
object hsv_to_rgb()


Converts RGB data to HSV data, or the other way around. When converting to HSV, the resulting data is stored like this: pixel.r = h; pixel.g = s; pixel.b = v;

When converting to RGB, the input data is asumed to be placed in the pixels as above.

original ->hsv_to_rgb(); ->rgb_to_hsv();
tuned box (below) the rainbow (below) same, but rgb_to_hsv()

HSV to RGB calculation:

in = input pixel
out = destination pixel
out.g=(in.b+in.g*cos(in.r + pi*2/3));
out.b=(in.b+in.g*cos(in.r + pi*4/3));

RGB to HSV calculation: Hmm.

Example: Nice rainbow.

 object i = Image.Image(200,200);
 i = i->tuned_box(0,0, 200,200,
                  ({ ({ 255,255,128 }), ({ 0,255,128 }),
                     ({ 255,255,255 }), ({ 0,255,255 })}))


the new image object

Method invert

object invert()


Invert an image. Each pixel value gets to be 255-x, where x is the old value.

original ->invert(); ->rgb_to_hsv()->invert()->hsv_to_rgb();


the new image object

Method line

object line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
object line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b)
object line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


Draws a line on the image. The line is not antialiased.

original ->line

Parameter x1
Parameter y1
Parameter x2
Parameter y2

line endpoints

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b


Parameter alpha

alpha value


the object called

Method make_ascii

string make_ascii(object orient1, object orient2, object orient3, object orient4, int|void tlevel, int|void xsize, int|void ysize)


This method creates a string that looks like the image. Example:

   //Stina is an image with a cat.
   array(object) Stina4=Stina->orient4();
   string foo=Stina->make_ascii(@Stina4,40,4,8);


some nice ASCII art.


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions

      |      /    -    \
     hue=  0     64   128  192  (=red in an hsv image)

See also

orient, orient4

Method match

object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_cert, object objectneedle_cert)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_avoid, object intfoo)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_cert, object objectneedle_cert, object objecthaystack_avoid, object intfoo)


This method creates an image that describes the match in every pixel in the image and the needle-Image.

   new pixel value =
     sum( my_abs(needle_pixel-haystack_pixel))

The new image only have the red rgb-part set.

Parameter scale

Every pixel is divided with this value. Note that a proper value here depends on the size of the neadle.

Parameter needle

The image to use for the matching.

Parameter haystack_cert

This image should be the same size as the image itselves. A non-white-part of the haystack_cert-image modifies the output by lowering it.

Parameter needle_cert

The same, but for the needle-image.

Parameter foo
Parameter haystack_avoid

This image should be the same size as the image itselves. If foo is less than the red value in haystack_avoid the corresponding matching-calculating is not calculated. The avoided parts are drawn in the color 0,100,0.


the new image object


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions

See also

phasev, phaseh

Method mirrorx

object mirrorx()


mirrors an image:

original ->mirrorx();


the new image object

Method mirrory

object mirrory()


mirrors an image:

original ->mirrory();

Method modify_by_intensity

object modify_by_intensity(int r, int g, int b, int|array(int) ... vn)


Recolor an image from intensity values.

For each color an intensity is calculated, from r, g and b factors (see grey), this gives a value between 0 and max.

The color is then calculated from the values given, v1 representing the intensity value of 0, vn representing max, and colors between representing intensity values between, linear.

original ->grey()->modify_by_intensity(1,0,0, 0,({255,0,0}),({0,255,0}));

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

red, green, blue intensity factors

Parameter v1
Parameter vn

destination color


the new image object

See also

grey, `*, color

Method noise

void noise(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange)
void noise(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange, float scale, float xdiff, float ydiff, float cscale)


Gives a new image with the old image's size, filled width a 'noise' pattern.

The random seed may be different with each instance of pike.

Example: ->noise( ({0,({255,0,0}), 0.3,({0,255,0}), 0.6,({0,0,255}), 0.8,({255,255,0})}), 0.2,0.0,0.0,1.0 );

Parameter colorrange

colorrange table

Parameter scale

default value is 0.1

Parameter xdiff
Parameter ydiff

default value is 0,0

Parameter cscale

default value is 1

See also


Method orient
Method orient4

object orient(void|array(object) something)
array(object) orient4()


Draws images describing the orientation of the current image.

orient gives an HSV image (run a hsv_to_rgb pass on it to get a viewable image). corresponding to the angle of the orientation:

      |      /    -    \
     hue=  0     64   128  192  (=red in an hsv image)
         purple cyan green red
Red, green and blue channels are added and not compared separately.

If you first use orient4 you can give its output as input to this function.

The orient4 function gives back 4 image objects, corresponding to the amount of different directions, see above.


an image or an array of the four new image objects


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions

Method outline
Method outline_mask

object outline()
object outline(int olr, int olg, int olb)
object outline(int olr, int olg, int olb, int bkgr, int bkgg, int bkgb)
object outline(array(array(int)) mask)
object outline(array(array(int)) mask, int olr, int olg, int olb)
object outline(array(array(int)) mask, int olr, int olg, int olb, int bkgr, int bkgg, int bkgb)
object outline_mask()
object outline_mask(int bkgr, int bkgg, int bkgb)
object outline_mask(array(array(int)) mask)
object outline_mask(array(array(int)) mask, int bkgr, int bkgg, int bkgb)


Makes an outline of this image, ie paints with the given color around the non-background pixels.

Default is to paint above, below, to the left and the right of these pixels.

You can also run your own outline mask.

The outline_mask function gives the calculated outline as an alpha channel image of white and black instead.

original masked
with red

Parameter mask

mask matrix. Default is ({({0,1,0}),({1,1,1}),({0,1,0})}).

Parameter olr
Parameter olg
Parameter olb

outline color. Default is current.

Parameter bkgr
Parameter bkgg
Parameter bkgb

background color (what color to outline to); default is color of pixel 0,0.

Parameter div

division factor, default is 1.0.


the new image object


no antialias!

Method paste

object paste(object image)
object paste(object image, int x, int y)


Pastes a given image over the current image.

Parameter image

image to paste (may be empty, needs to be an image object)

Parameter x
Parameter y

where to paste the image; default is 0,0


the object called

See also

paste_mask, paste_alpha, paste_alpha_color

Method paste_alpha

object paste_alpha(object image, int alpha)
object paste_alpha(object image, int alpha, int x, int y)


Pastes a given image over the current image, with the specified alpha channel value.

An alpha channel value of 0 leaves nothing of the original image in the paste area, 255 is meaningless and makes the given image invisible.

Parameter image

image to paste

Parameter alpha

alpha channel value

Parameter x
Parameter y

where to paste the image; default is 0,0


the object called

See also

paste_mask, paste, paste_alpha_color

Method paste_alpha_color

object paste_alpha_color(object mask)
object paste_alpha_color(object mask, int x, int y)
object paste_alpha_color(object mask, int r, int g, int b)
object paste_alpha_color(object mask, int r, int g, int b, int x, int y)
object paste_alpha_color(object mask, Color color)
object paste_alpha_color(object mask, Color color, int x, int y)


Pastes a given color over the current image, using the given mask as opaque channel.

A pixel value of 255 makes the result become the color given, 0 doesn't change anything.

The masks red, green and blue values are used separately. If no color are given, the current is used.

Parameter mask

mask image

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

what color to paint with; default is current

Parameter x
Parameter y

where to paste the image; default is 0,0


the object called

See also

paste_mask, paste_alpha, paste_alpha_color

Method paste_mask

object paste_mask(object image, object mask)
object paste_mask(object image, object mask, int x, int y)


Pastes a given image over the current image, using the given mask as opaque channel.

A pixel value of 255 makes the result become a pixel from the given image, 0 doesn't change anything.

The masks red, green and blue values are used separately.

Parameter image

image to paste

Parameter mask

mask image

Parameter x
Parameter y

where to paste the image; default is 0,0


the object called

See also

paste, paste_alpha, paste_alpha_color

Method phaseh
Method phasev
Method phasevh
Method phasehv

object phaseh()
object phasev()
object phasevh()
object phasehv()


Draws images describing the phase of the current image. phaseh gives the horizontal phase and phasev the vertical phase.

phaseh gives an image where

       max  falling   min  rising
value=  0     64      128   192

0 is set if there is no way to determine if it is rising or falling. This is done for the every red, green and blue part of the image.

Phase images can be used to create ugly effects or to find meta-information in the orginal image.

original phaseh() phasev() phasevh() phasehv()


the new image object


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions


0 should not be set as explained above.

Method polyfill

object polyfill(array(int|float) ... curve)


fills an area with the current color

Parameter curve

curve(s), ({x1,y1,x2,y2,...,xn,yn}), automatically closed.

If any given curve is inside another, it will make a hole.

  polyfill( ({ 20,20, 80,20, 80,80 }) );


the current object


Lines in the polygon may not be crossed without the crossing coordinate specified in both lines.


Inverted lines reported on Intel and Alpha processors.

See also


Method random
Method randomgrey

object random()
object random(int seed)
object random(function(int:string) random)
object randomgrey()
object randomgrey(int seed)
object randomgrey(function(int:string) random)


Gives a randomized image;

original ->random() ->random(17) greyed
(same again)
(same again)
...red channel

Use with ->grey() or ->color() for one-color-results.


a new image

See also

test, noise

Method write_lsb_rgb
Method write_lsb_grey
Method read_lsb_rgb
Method read_lsb_grey

object write_lsb_rgb(string what)
object write_lsb_grey(string what)
string read_lsb_rgb()
string read_lsb_grey()


These functions read/write in the least significant bit of the image pixel values. The _rgb() functions read/write on each of the red, green and blue values, and the grey keeps the same lsb on all three.

The string is nullpadded or cut to fit.

Parameter what

the hidden message


the current object or the read string

Method rgb_to_yuv
Method yuv_to_rgb

object rgb_to_yuv()
object yuv_to_rgb()


Converts RGB data to YUV (YCrCb) data, or the other way around. When converting to YUV, the resulting data is stored like this: pixel.r = v (cr); pixel.g = y; pixel.b = u (cb);

When converting to RGB, the input data is asumed to be placed in the pixels as above.

original ->yuv_to_rgb(); ->rgb_to_yuv();
tuned box (below) the rainbow (below) same, but rgb_to_yuv()

RGB to YUB calculation (this follows CCIR.601):

in = input pixel
out = destination pixel
Ey = 0.299*in.r+0.587*in.g+0.114*in.b
Ecr = 0.713*(in.r - Ey) = 0.500*in.r-0.419*in.g-0.081*in.b
Ecb = 0.564*(in.b - Ey) = -0.169*in.r-0.331*in.g+0.500*in.b

Example: Nice rainbow.

 object i = Image.Image(200,200);
 i = i->tuned_box(0,0, 200,200,
                  ({ ({ 255,255,128 }), ({ 0,255,128 }),
                     ({ 255,255,255 }), ({ 0,255,255 })}))


the new image object

Method rotate
Method rotate_expand

object rotate(int|float angle)
object rotate(int|float angle, int r, int g, int b)
object rotate_expand(int|float angle)
object rotate_expand(int|float angle, int r, int g, int b)


Rotates an image a certain amount of degrees (360° is a complete rotation) counter-clockwise:

original ->rotate(15,255,0,0); ->rotate_expand(15);

The "expand" variant of functions stretches the image border pixels rather then filling with the given or current color.

This rotate uses the skewx() and skewy() functions.

Parameter angle

the number of degrees to rotate

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color to fill with; default is current


the new image object

Method rotate_ccw

object rotate_ccw()


rotates an image counter-clockwise, 90 degrees.

original ->rotate_ccw();


the new image object

Method rotate_cw

object rotate_cw()


rotates an image clockwise, 90 degrees.

original ->rotate_cw();


the new image object

Method scale

object scale(float factor)
object scale(0.5)
object scale(float xfactor, float yfactor)


scales the image with a factor, 0.5 is an optimized case.

Parameter factor

factor to use for both x and y

Parameter xfactor
Parameter yfactor

separate factors for x and y


the new image object

Method scale

object scale(int newxsize, int newysize)
object scale(0, int newysize)
object scale(int newxsize, 0)


scales the image to a specified new size, if one of newxsize or newysize is 0, the image aspect ratio is preserved.

Parameter newxsize
Parameter newysize

new image size in pixels


the new image object


resulting image will be 1x1 pixels, at least

Method select_from

object select_from(int x, int y)
object select_from(int x, int y, int edge_value)


Makes an grey-scale image, for alpha-channel use.

This is very close to a floodfill.

The image is scanned from the given pixel, filled with 255 if the color is the same, or 255 minus distance in the colorcube, squared, rightshifted 8 steps (see distancesq).

When the edge distance is reached, the scan is stopped. Default edge value is 30. This value is squared and compared with the square of the distance above.

35, 35, 16 35, 35, 32 35, 35, 64 35, 35, 96 35, 35, 128 35, 35, 192 35, 35, 256

original original * select_from(35,35,200)

Parameter x
Parameter y

originating pixel in the image


the new image object

See also


Method setcolor

object setcolor(int r, int g, int b)
object setcolor(int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


set the current color

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

new color

Parameter alpha

new alpha value


the object called

Method setpixel

object setpixel(int x, int y)
object setpixel(int x, int y, Image.Color c)
object setpixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b)
object setpixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha)


original ->setpixel

Parameter x
Parameter y

position of the pixel

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b


Parameter alpha

alpha value


the object called

Method skewx
Method skewx_expand

object skewx(int x)
object skewx(float yfactor)
object skewx(int x, int r, int g, int b)
object skewx(float yfactor, int r, int g, int b)
object skewx_expand(int x)
object skewx_expand(float yfactor)
object skewx_expand(int x, int r, int g, int b)
object skewx_expand(float yfactor, int r, int g, int b)


Skews an image an amount of pixels or a factor; a skew-x is a transformation:

original ->skewx(15,255,0,0); ->skewx_expand(15);

Parameter x

the number of pixels The "expand" variant of functions stretches the image border pixels rather then filling with the given or current color.

Parameter yfactor

best described as: x=yfactor*this->ysize()

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color to fill with; default is current


the new image object

Method skewy
Method skewy_expand

object skewy(int y)
object skewy(float xfactor)
object skewy(int y, int r, int g, int b)
object skewy(float xfactor, int r, int g, int b)
object skewy_expand(int y)
object skewy_expand(float xfactor)
object skewy_expand(int y, int r, int g, int b)
object skewy_expand(float xfactor, int r, int g, int b)


Skews an image an amount of pixels or a factor; a skew-y is a transformation:

original ->skewy(15,255,0,0); ->skewy_expand(15);

The "expand" variant of functions stretches the image border pixels rather then filling with the given or current color.

Parameter y

the number of pixels

Parameter xfactor

best described as: t=xfactor*this->xsize()

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

color to fill with; default is current


the new image object

Method test

object test()
object test(int seed)
object test(function(int:string) random)


Generates a test image, currently random gradients.

original ->test() ...and again


the new image


May be subject to change or cease without prior warning.

See also

gradients, tuned_box

Method threshold

object threshold()
object threshold(int level)
object threshold(int r, int g, int b)
object threshold(Color color)


Makes a black-white image.

If any of red, green, blue parts of a pixel is larger then the given value, the pixel will become white, else black.

This method works fine with the grey method.

If no arguments are given, it will paint all non-black pixels white. (Ie, default is 0,0,0.)

original ->threshold(100); ->threshold(0,100,0);


the new image object


The above statement "any ..." was changed from "all ..." in Pike 0.7 (9906). It also uses 0,0,0 as default input, instead of current color. This is more useful.

See also


Method tuned_box

object tuned_box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, array(array(int)) corner_color)


Draws a filled rectangle with colors (and alpha values) tuned between the corners.

Tuning function is (1.0-x/xw)*(1.0-y/yw) where x and y is the distance to the corner and xw and yw are the sides of the rectangle.

original tuned box solid tuning
tuning transparency
(as left + 255,128,128,0)

Parameter x1
Parameter y1
Parameter x2
Parameter y2

rectangle corners

Parameter corner_color

colors of the corners:

each of these is an array of integeres:
({r,g,b}) or ({r,g,b,alpha})
Default alpha channel value is 0 (opaque).


the object called

Method turbulence

void turbulence(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange)
void turbulence(array(float|int|array(int)) colorrange, int octaves, float scale, float xdiff, float ydiff, float cscale)


gives a new image with the old image's size, filled width a 'turbulence' pattern

The random seed may be different with each instance of pike.

->turbulence( ({0,({229,204,204}), 0.9,({229,20,20}), 0.9,Color.black}) );

Parameter colorrange

colorrange table

Parameter octaves

default value is 3

Parameter scale

default value is 0.1

Parameter xdiff
Parameter ydiff

default value is 0,0

Parameter cscale

default value is 1

See also

noise, Image.Color

Method xsize

int xsize()


the width of the image

Method ysize

int ysize()


the height of the image

Class Image.Layer

See also


Method set_image
Method image
Method alpha

object set_image(Image.Image image)
object set_image(Image.Image image, Image.Image alpha_channel)
object|int(0..) image()
object|int(0..) alpha()


Set/change/get image and alpha channel for the layer. You could also cancel the channels giving 0 instead of an image object.


image and alpha channel must be of the same size, or canceled.

Method set_alpha_value
Method alpha_value

object set_alpha_value(float value)
float alpha_value()


Set/get the general alpha value of this layer. This is a float value between 0 and 1, and is multiplied with the alpha channel.

Method autocrop
Method find_autocrop

object autocrop()
object autocrop(bool left, bool right, bool top, bool bottom)
array(int) find_autocrop()
array(int) find_autocrop(bool left, bool right, bool top, bool bottom)


This crops (of finds) a suitable crop, non-destructive crop. The layer alpha channel is checked, and edges that is transparent is removed.

(What really happens is that the image and alpha channel is checked, and edges equal the fill setup is cropped away.)

find_autocrop() returns an array of xoff,yoff,xsize,ysize, which can be fed to crop().


A tiled image will not be cropped at all.

left...bottom arguments can be used to tell what sides cropping are ok on.

See also

crop, Image.Image->autocrop

Method set_mode
Method mode
Method available_modes

object set_mode(string mode)
string mode()
array(string) available_modes()


Set/get layer mode. Mode is one of these:

All channels are calculated separately, if nothing else is specified.
top layer
bottom layer
D=L applied with alpha: D=(L*aL+S*(1-aL)*aS) / (aL+(1-aL)*aS), aD=(aL+(1-aL)*aS)
D=L+S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=S-L applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=S*L applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=S/L applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=1.0-S/L applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=S%L applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L-S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L/S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L%S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=(1-L)*S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=S/(1-L) applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L/(1-S) applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=abs(L-S) applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=max(L,S) applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=min(L,S) applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L&amp;amp;S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L|S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=L^S applied with alpha, aD=aS
D=(L*aL+S*(1-aL)*aS) / (aL+(1-aL)*aS), aD=aS
Dr=(Lr*aLr+Sr*(1-aLr)*aSr) / (aLr+(1-aLr)*aSr), Dgb=Sgb, aD=aS
Dg=(Lg*aLg+Sg*(1-aLg)*aSg) / (aLg+(1-aLg)*aSg), Drb=Srb, aD=aS
Db=(Lb*aLb+Sb*(1-aLb)*aSb) / (aLb+(1-aLb)*aSb), Drg=Srg, aD=aS
Like photoshop hardlight layer mode, aD=aS
Dhsv=Lhsv apply with alpha, aD=aS
Dh=Lh apply with alpha, Dsv=Lsv, aD=aS
Ds=Ls apply with alpha, Dhv=Lhv, aD=aS
Dv=Lv apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dhs=Lhs apply with alpha, Dv=Lv, aD=aS
Dv=Lv*Sv apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dv=min(Lv,Sv) apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dv=max(Lv,Sv) apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Ds=max(Ls,Ss) apply with alpha, Dhv=Lhv, aD=aS
Ds=min(Ls,Ss) apply with alpha, Dhv=Lhv, aD=aS
Dhls=Lhls apply with alpha, aD=aS
Dh=Lh apply with alpha, Dsv=Lsv, aD=aS
Ds=Ls apply with alpha, Dhv=Lhv, aD=aS
Dl=Ll apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dhs=Lhs apply with alpha, Dl=Ll, aD=aS
Dl=Ll*Sl apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dl=min(Ll,Sl) apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Dl=max(Ll,Sl) apply with alpha, Dhs=Lhs, aD=aS
Ds=max(Ls,Ss) apply with alpha, Dhl=Lhl, aD=aS
Ds=min(Ls,Ss) apply with alpha, Dhl=Lhl, aD=aS
i=random 0 or 1, D=i?L:S, aD=i+aS
D=(S*aS+L*(1-aS)*aL) / (aS+(1-aS)*aL), aD=(aS+(1-aS)*aL); simply swap S and L
D=S, aD=aS*(1-aL)
1-(1-S)*(1-L) applied with alpha, aD=aS
(1-(1-a)*(1-b)-a*b)*a+a*b applied with alpha, aD=aS
aD=aL+aS applied with alpha, D=L+S; experimental, may change or be removed
each channel D=max if L==S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
each channel D=max if L!=S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
each channel D=max if L&amp;lt;S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
each channel D=max if L&amp;gt;S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
each channel D=max if L&amp;lt;=S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
each channel D=max if L&amp;gt;=S, 0 otherwise, apply with alpha
logic: D=white and opaque if L==S, black and transparent otherwise
logic: D=white and opaque if any L!=S, black and transparent otherwise
logic: D=white and opaque if all L&amp;lt;S, black and transparent otherwise
logic: D=white and opaque if all L&amp;gt;S, black and transparent otherwise
logic: D=white and opaque if all L&amp;lt;=L, black and transparent otherwise
logic: D=white and opaque if all L&amp;gt;=L, black and transparent otherwise

available_modes() simply gives an array containing the names of these modes.


image and alpha channel must be of the same size, or canceled.

Method cast



([ "xsize":int, "ysize":int, "image":image, "alpha":image, "xoffset":int, "yoffset":int, "fill":image, "fill_alpha":image "tiled":int, "mode":string ])

Method clone

object clone()


Creates a copy of the called object.


the copy

Method create

Image.Layer Image.Layer(object image, object alpha, string mode)
Image.Layer Image.Layer(mapping info)
Image.Layer Image.Layer()
Image.Layer Image.Layer(int xsize, int ysize, object color)
Image.Layer Image.Layer(object color)


The Layer construct either three arguments, the image object, alpha channel and mode, or a mapping with optional elements:

        // default: black
        // alpha channel object
        // default: full opaque
"mode":string mode,
        // layer mode, see <ref>mode</ref>.
        // default: "normal"
        // layer general alpha value
        // default is 1.0; this is multiplied
        // with the alpha channel.
        // offset of this layer
        // fill color, ie what color is used
        // "outside" the image. default: black
        // and black (full transparency).
        // select tiling; if 1, the image
        // will be tiled. deafult: 0, off
The layer can also be created "empty", either giving a size and color - this will give a filled opaque square, or a color, which will set the "fill" values and fill the whole layer with an opaque color.

All values can be modified after object creation.


image and alpha channel must be of the same size.

Method crop

object crop(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize)


Crops this layer at this offset and size. Offset is not relative the layer offset, so this can be used to crop a number of layers simuntaneously.

The fill values are used if the layer is enlarged.


a new layer object


The new layer object may have the same image object, if there was no cropping to be done.

Method descriptions

array(string) descriptions()


Layer descriptions

Method set_fill
Method fill
Method fill_alpha

object set_fill(Color color)
object set_fill(Color color, Color alpha)
object fill()
object fill_alpha()


Set/query fill color and alpha, ie the color used "outside" the image. This is mostly useful if you want to "frame" a layer.

Method set_misc_value
Method get_misc_value

mixed set_misc_value(object mixedwhat, object mixedto)
mixed get_misc_value(object mixedwhat)


Set or query misc. attributes for the layer.

As an example, the XCF and PSD image decoders set the 'name' attribute to the name the layer had in the source file.

Method set_offset
Method xoffset
Method yoffset

object set_offset(int x, int y)
int xoffset()
int yoffset()


Set/query layer offset.

Method set_tiled
Method tiled

object set_tiled(int yes)
int tiled()


Set/query tiled flag. If set, the image and alpha channel will be tiled rather then framed by the fill values.

Method xsize
Method ysize

int xsize()
int ysize()


Query layer offset. This is the same as layer image/alpha image size.

Class Image.Font


Short technical documentation on a font file: This object adds the text-drawing and -creation capabilities of the Image module.

For simple usage, see write and load.


	       struct file_head
		  unsigned INT32 cookie;   - 0x464f4e54
		  unsigned INT32 version;  - 1
		  unsigned INT32 chars;    - number of chars
		  unsigned INT32 height;   - height of font
		  unsigned INT32 baseline; - font baseline
		  unsigned INT32 o[1];     - position of char_head's
	       } *fh;
	       struct char_head
		  unsigned INT32 width;    - width of this character
		  unsigned INT32 spacing;  - spacing to next character
		  unsigned char data[1];   - pixmap data (1byte/pixel)
	       } *ch;

            version 2:

            	  On-disk syntax (everything in N.B.O), int is 4 bytes, a byte is 8 bits:

            	0   int cookie = 'FONT';     or 0x464f4e54
            	4   int version = 2;         1 was the old version without the last four chars
            	8   int numchars;            Always 256 in this version of the dump program
            12   int height;              in (whole) pixels
            16   int baseline;            in (whole) pixels
            20   char direction;          1==right to left, 0 is left to right
            21   char format;             Font format
            22   char colortablep;        Colortable format
            23   char kerningtablep;      Kerning table format

            24   int offsets[numchars];   pointers into the data, realative to &cookie.

            	  At each offset:

            0   int width;               in pixels
            4   int spacing;             in 1/1000:th of a pixels
            8   char data[];             Enough data to plot width * font->height pixels
            				    Please note that if width is 0, there is no data.

            Font formats:
            	id type
            	 0 Raw 8bit data
            	 1 RLE encoded data,  char length, char data,   70% more compact than raw data
            	 2 ZLib compressed data                         60% more compact than RLE

            Colortable types:
            	 0 No colortable		 (the data is an alpha channel)
            	 1 24bit RGB with alpha         (index->color, 256*4 bytes, rgba)
            	 2 8bit Greyscale with alpha    (index->color, 256*2 bytes)

            Kerningtable types:
            	 0 No kerning table
            	 1 numchars*numchars entries, each a signed char with the kerning value
            	 2 numchar entries, each with a list of kerning pairs, like this:
            	    int len
            	    len * (short char, short value)

See also

Image, Image.Image

Method baseline

int baseline()


Returns font baseline (pixels from top)

See also

height, text_extents

Method center

void center()


Document this function.

Method create

Image.Font Image.Font(string filename)


Loads a font file to this font object. Similar to load().

Method height

int height()


Returns the font height.

See also

baseline, text_extents

Method left

void left()


Document this function.

Method load

Image.Font|int load(string filename)


Loads a font file to this font object.


Returns zero upon failure and a font object upon success.

Parameter filename

The path to the font file.

See also


Method right

void right()


Document this function.

Method set_xspacing_scale
Method set_yspacing_scale

void set_xspacing_scale(float scale)
void set_yspacing_scale(float scale)


Set spacing scale to write characters closer or more far away. This does not change scale of character, only the space between them.

Method text_extents

array(int) text_extents(string text, string ... more_text_lines)


Calculate extents of a text-image, that would be created by calling write with the same arguments. One or more lines of text may be provided.

int width
int height
See also

write, height, baseline

Method write

Image.Image write(string text, string ... more_text_lines)


Writes some text; thus creating an image object that can be used as mask or as a complete picture. One or more text lines may be provided.

See also

text_extents, load, Image.Image->paste_mask, Image.Image->paste_alpha_color

Class Image.Colortable


This object keeps colortable information, mostly for image re-coloring (quantization).

The object has color reduction, quantisation, mapping and dithering capabilities.

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Font, Image.GIF

Method map
Method `*
Method ``*

object map(object image)
object res = Image.Colortable() * image
object res = image * Image.Colortable()
object map(string data, int xsize, int ysize)
object res = Image.Colortable() * data
object res = data * Image.Colortable()


Map colors in an image object to the colors in the colortable, and creates a new image with the closest colors.

no dither
floyd_steinberg dither
ordered dither
randomcube dither
original 2 4 8 16 32 colors


a new image object


Flat (not cube) colortable and not 'full' method: this method does figure out the data needed for the lookup method, which may take time the first use of the colortable - the second use is quicker.

See also

cubicles, full

Method `+

object res = Image.Colortable() + with


sums colortables

Parameter with

Colortable object with colors to add


the resulting new Colortable object

Method `-

object res = Image.Colortable() - with


subtracts colortables

Parameter with

Colortable object with colors to subtract


the resulting new Colortable object

Method create
Method add

Image.Colortable Image.Colortable()
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(array(array(int)) colors)
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(Image.Colortable colortable)
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(Image.Image image, int number)
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(Image.Image image, int number, array(array(int)) needed)
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(int r, int g, int b)
Image.Colortable Image.Colortable(int r, int g, int b, object array(int)
object add(array(array(int)) colors)
object add(Image.Colortable colortable)
object add(Image.Image image, int number)
object add(Image.Image image, int number, array(array(int)) needed)
object add(int r, int g, int b)
object add(int r, int g, int b, object array(int)


create initiates a colortable object. Default is that no colors are in the colortable.

add takes the same argument(s) as create, thus adding colors to the colortable.

The colortable is mostly a list of colors, or more advanced, colors and weight.

The colortable could also be a colorcube, with or without additional scales. A colorcube is the by-far fastest way to find colors.


ct=colortable(my_image,256); // the best 256 colors
ct=colortable(my_image,256,({0,0,0})); // black and the best other 255
ct=colortable(({({0,0,0}),({255,255,255})})); // black and white
ct=colortable(6,7,6); // a colortable of 252 colors
ct=colortable(7,7,5, ({0,0,0}),({255,255,255}),11);
        // a colorcube of 245 colors, and a greyscale of the rest -> 256

Parameter colors

list of colors

Parameter colortable

colortable to copy colors from.

Parameter image

source image

Parameter number

number of colors to get from the image

0 (zero) gives all colors in the image.

Default value is 256.

Parameter needed

needed colors (to optimize selection of others to these given)

this will add to the total number of colors (see argument 'number')

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

size of sides in the colorcube, must (of course) be equal or larger than 2 - if smaller, the cube is ignored (no colors). This could be used to have only scales (like a greyscale) in the output.

Parameter fromi
Parameter toi
Parameter stepi

This is to add the possibility of adding a scale of colors to the colorcube; for instance a grayscale using the arguments ({0,0,0}),({255,255,255}),17, adding a scale from black to white in 17 or more steps.

Colors already in the cube is used again to add the number of steps, if possible.

The total number of colors in the table is therefore r*b*g+step1+...+stepn.


max hash size is (probably, set by a #define) 32768 entries, giving maybe half that number of colors as maximum.

Method cast



cast the colortable to an array or mapping, the array consists of Image.Color objects and are not in index order. The mapping consists of index:Image.Color pairs, where index is the index (int) of that color.

example: (mapping)Image.Colortable(img)

Parameter to

must be "string", "array" or "mapping".

Method corners

array(object) corners()


Gives the eight corners in rgb colorspace as an array. The "black" and "white" corners are the first two.

Method cubicles

object cubicles()
object cubicles(int r, int g, int b)
object cubicles(int r, int g, int b, int accuracy)


Set the colortable to use the cubicles algorithm to lookup the closest color. This is a mostly very fast and very accurate way to find the correct color, and the default algorithm.

The colorspace is divided in small cubes, each cube containing the colors in that cube. Each cube then gets a list of the colors in the cube, and the closest from the corners and midpoints between corners.

When a color is needed, the algorithm first finds the correct cube and then compares with all the colors in the list for that cube.

example: colors=Image.Colortable(img)->cubicles();

algorithm time: between O[m] and O[m * n], where n is numbers of colors and m is number of pixels

The arguments can be heavy trimmed for the usage of your colortable; a large number (10×10×10 or bigger) of cubicles is recommended when you use the colortable repeatedly, since the calculation takes much more time than usage.

recommended values:

image size  setup
100×100     cubicles(4,5,4) (default)
1000×1000   cubicles(12,12,12) (factor 2 faster than default)

In some cases, the full method is faster.

original default cubicles,
16 colors

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

Size, ie how much the colorspace is divided. Note that the size of each cubicle is at least about 8b, and that it takes time to calculate them. The number of cubicles are r*g*b, and default is 4,5,4, ie 80 cubicles. This works good for 200±100 colors.

Parameter accuracy

Accuracy when checking sides of cubicles. Default is 16. A value of 1 gives complete accuracy, ie cubicle() method gives exactly the same result as full(), but takes (in worst case) 16× the time to calculate.


the object being called


this method doesn't figure out the cubicles, this is done on the first use of the colortable.

Not applicable to colorcube types of colortable.

Method floyd_steinberg

object floyd_steinberg()
object floyd_steinberg(int bidir, int|float forward, int|float downforward, int|float down, int|float downback, int|float factor)


Set dithering method to floyd_steinberg.

The arguments to this method is for fine-tuning of the algorithm (for computer graphics wizards).

original floyd_steinberg to a 4×4×4 colorcube floyd_steinberg to 16 chosen colors

Parameter bidir

Set algorithm direction of forward. -1 is backward, 1 is forward, 0 for toggle of direction each line (default).

Parameter forward
Parameter downforward
Parameter down
Parameter downback

Set error correction directions. Default is forward=7, downforward=1, down=5, downback=3.

Parameter factor

Error keeping factor. Error will increase if more than 1.0 and decrease if less than 1.0. A value of 0.0 will cancel any dither effects. Default is 0.95.


the object being called

Method full

object full()


Set the colortable to use full scan to lookup the closest color.

example: colors=Image.Colortable(img)->full();

algorithm time: O[n*m], where n is numbers of colors and m is number of pixels


the object being called


Not applicable to colorcube types of colortable.

See also

cubicles, map

Method greyp

bool greyp()


Returns true if this colortable only contains greyscale.

Method image

object image()


cast the colortable to an image object

each pixel in the image object is an entry in the colortable


the resulting image object

Method nodither

object nodither()


Set no dithering (default).


the object being called

Method ordered

object ordered()
object ordered(int r, int g, int b)
object ordered(int r, int g, int b, int xsize, int ysize)
object ordered(int r, int g, int b, int xsize, int ysize, int x, int y)
object ordered(int r, int g, int b, int xsize, int ysize, int rx, int ry, int gx, int gy, int bx, int by)


Set ordered dithering, which gives a position-dependent error added to the pixel values.

original mapped to
ordered() ordered
(42,42,42, 8,8,
0,0, 0,1, 1,0)

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

The maximum error. Default is 32, or colorcube steps (256/size).

Parameter xsize
Parameter ysize

Size of error matrix. Default is 8×8. Only values which factors to multiples of 2 and 3 are possible to choose (2,3,4,6,8,12,...).

Parameter x
Parameter y
Parameter rx
Parameter ry
Parameter gx
Parameter gy
Parameter bx
Parameter by

Offset for the error matrix. x and y is for both red, green and blue values, the other is individual.


the object being called

See also

randomcube, nodither, floyd_steinberg, create

Method randomcube
Method randomgrey

object randomcube()
object randomcube(int r, int g, int b)
object randomgrey()
object randomgrey(int err)


Set random cube dithering. Color choosen is the closest one to color in picture plus (flat) random error; color±random(error).

The randomgrey method uses the same random error on red, green and blue and the randomcube method has three random errors.

original mapped to
randomcube() randomgrey()

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b
Parameter err

The maximum error. Default is 32, or colorcube step.


the object being called


randomgrey method needs colorcube size to be the same on red, green and blue sides to work properly. It uses the red colorcube value as default.

See also

ordered, nodither, floyd_steinberg, create

Method reduce
Method reduce_fs

object reduce(int colors)
object reduce_fs(int colors)


reduces the number of colors

All needed (see create) colors are kept.

reduce_fs creates and keeps the outmost corners of the color space, to improve floyd-steinberg dithering result. (It doesn't work very well, though.)

Parameter colors

target number of colors


the new Colortable object


this algorithm assumes all colors are different to begin with (!)

reduce_fs keeps the "corners" as "needed colors".

See also


Method rigid

object rigid()
object rigid(int r, int g, int b)


Set the colortable to use the "rigid" method of looking up colors.

This is a very simple way of finding the correct color. The algorithm initializes a cube with r x g x b colors, where every color is chosen by closest match to the corresponding coordinate.

This format is not recommended for exact match, but may be usable when it comes to quickly view pictures on-screen.

It has a high init-cost and low use-cost. The structure is initiated at first usage.


the object being called


Not applicable to colorcube types of colortable.

See also

cubicles, map, full

Method spacefactors

object spacefactors(int r, int g, int b)


Colortable tuning option, this sets the color space distance factors. This is used when comparing distances in the colorspace and comparing grey levels.

Default factors are 3, 4 and 1; blue is much darker than green. Compare with Image.Image->grey().


the object being called


This has no sanity check. Some functions may bug if the factors are to high - color reduction functions sums grey levels in the image, this could exceed maxint in the case of high factors. Negative values may also cause strange effects. *grin*

Module Image.Color


This module keeps names and easy handling for easy color support. It gives you an easy way to get colors from names.

A color is here an object, containing color information and methods for conversion, see below.

Image.Color can be called to make a color object. Image.Color() takes the following arguments:

    Image.Color(string name)          // "red"
    Image.Color(string prefix_string) // "lightblue"
    Image.Color(string hex_name)      // "#ff00ff"
    Image.Color(string cmyk_string)   // "%17,42,0,19.4"
    Image.Color(string hsv_string)    // "@327,90,32"
    Image.Color(int red, int green, int blue)

The color names available can be listed by using indices on Image.Color. The colors are available by name directly as Image.Color.name, too:

    or, maybe
    import Image.Color;

Giving red, green and blue values is equal to calling Image.Color.rgb().

The prefix_string method is a form for getting modified colors, it understands all modifiers (light, dark, bright, dull and neon). Simply use "method"+"color"; (as in lightgreen, dullmagenta, lightdullorange).

The hex_name form is a simple #rrggbb form, as in HTML or X-program argument. A shorter form (#rgb) is also accepted. This is the inverse to the Image.Color.Color->hex() method.

The cmyk_string is a string form of giving cmyk (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color. These values are floats representing percent.

The hsv_string is another hue, saturation, value representation, but in floats; hue is in degree range (0..360), and saturation and value is given in percent. This is not the same as returned or given to the hsv() methods!

This table lists all the different named colors available in Image.Color. The first column shows the actual color while the five following columns demonstrates the modifiers neon, light, dark, bright and dull. The color begind the name of the color is produced by calling neon()->dark()->dark()->dark() from the color object itself, i.e. Image.Color.mintcream->neon()->dark()->dark()->dark().


Image.Color["something"] will never(!) generate an error, but a zero_type 0, if the color is unknown. This is enough to give the error "not present in module", if used as Image.Color.something, though.

If you are using colors from for instance a webpage, you might want to create the color from Image.Color.guess(), since that method is more tolerant for mistakes and errors.

Image.Color() is case- and space-sensitive. Use Image.Color.guess() to catch all variants.

and subtract with a space (lower_case(x)-" ") to make sure you get all variants.

See also

Image.Color.Color->name, Image.Color.Color->rgb, colors, Image.Color.Color, Image.Color.guess, Image, Image.Colortable

Method _indices
Method _values

array(string) _indices()
array(object) _values()


(ie as indices(Image.Color) or values(Image.Color)) indices gives a list of all the known color names, values gives there corresponding objects.

See also


Method rgb
Method hsv
Method cmyk
Method greylevel
Method html

object rgb(int red, object intgreen, object intblue)
object hsv(int hue, object intsaturation, object intvalue)
object cmyk(float c, float m, float y, float k)
object greylevel(int level)
object html(string html_color)


Creates a new color object from given red, green and blue, hue, saturation and value, or greylevel, in color value range. It could also be created from cmyk values in percent.

The html() method only understands the HTML color names, or the #rrggbb form. It is case insensitive.


the created object.

Method guess

object guess(string color)


This is equivalent to Image.Color(lower_case(str)-" "), and tries the color with a prepending '#' if no corresponding color is found.


a color object or zero_type

Class Image.Color.Color


This is the color object. It has six readable variables, r, g, b, for the red, green and blue values, and h, s, v, for the hue, saturation anv value values.

Method `==

int res = Image.Color.Color() == other_color
int res = Image.Color.Color() == rgb
int res = Image.Color.Color() == greylevel
int res = Image.Color.Color() == name


Compares this object to another color, or color name. Example:

object red=Image.Color.red;
object other=Image.Color. ...;
object black=Image.Color.black;
if (red==other) ...
if (red==({255,0,0})) ...
if (black==0) ...
if (red=="red") ...


1 or 0


The other datatype (not color object) must be to the right!

See also

rgb, grey, name

Method bits

int bits(object intrbits, object intgbits, object intbbits, object intrshift, object intgshift, object intbshift)


Returns the color as an integer. The first three parameters state how many bits to use for red, green and blue respectively. The last three state how many bits each colour should be shifted. For instance, Image.Color("#AABBCC")->bits(8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 0) returns the integer 11189196, that is, 0xAABBCC.

Method light
Method dark
Method neon
Method bright
Method dull

object light()
object dark()
object neon()
object bright()
object dull()


Color modification methods. These returns a new color.

methodeffect hsvas
light raise light level±0 ±0+50
dark lower light level±0 ±0-50
brightbrighter color ±0+50+50
dull greyer color ±0-50-50
neon set to extreme ±0maxmax

light and dark lower/highers saturation when value is min-/maximised respective.


the new color object


The opposites may not always take each other out. The color is maximised at white and black levels, so, for instance Image.Color.white->light()->dark() doesn't give the white color back, but the equal to Image.Color.white->dark(), since white can't get any lighter.

Method cast



cast the object to an array, representing red, green and blue (equal to ->rgb()), or to a string, giving the name (equal to ->name()).


the name as string or rgb as array

See also

rgb, name

Method rgb
Method rgbf
Method hsv
Method hsvf
Method cmyk
Method greylevel

array(int) rgb()
array(float) rgbf()
array(int) hsv()
array(float) hsvf()
array(float) cmyk()
int greylevel()
int greylevel(int r, object intg, object intb)


This is methods of getting information from an Image.Color.Color object.

They give an array of red, green and blue (rgb) values (color value),
hue, saturation and value (hsv) values (range as color value),
cyan, magenta, yellow, black (cmyk) values (in percent)
or the greylevel value (range as color value).

The greylevel is calculated by weighting red, green and blue. Default weights are 87, 127 and 41, respective, and could be given by argument.


array(int) respective int

See also

Image.Color.Color, grey

Method create

Image.Color.Color Image.Color.Color(int r, int g, int b)


This is the main Image.Color.Color creation method, mostly for internal use.

Method grey

object grey()
object grey(int red, int green, int blue)


Gives a new color, containing a grey color, which is calculated by the greylevel method.


a new Image.Color.Color object

See also


Method hex
Method name
Method html

string hex()
string hex(int n)
string name()
string html()


Information methods.

hex() simply gives a string on the #rrggbb format. If n is given, the number of significant digits is set to this number. (Ie, n=3 gives #rrrgggbbb.)

name() is a simplified method; if the color exists in the database, the name is returned, per default is the hex() method use.

html() gives the HTML name of the color, or the hex(2) if it isn't one of the 16 HTML colors.


a new Image.Color.Color object

See also

rgb, hsv, Image.Color

Module Colors

Method cmyk_to_rgb

array(int(8bit)) cmyk_to_rgb(array(int(0..100)) cmyk)
array(int(8bit)) cmyk_to_rgb(int(0..100) c, int(0..100) m, int(0..100) y, int(0..100) k)


This function return the RGB value of the color describe by the provided CMYK value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.cmyk(c,m,y,k)->rgb()

See also

Colors.rgb_to_cmyk() Image.Color.cmyk()

Method color_name

string color_name(array(3:int(8bit))|zero rgb)


Tries to find a name to color described by the provided RGB values. Partially an inverse function to Colors.parse_color(), although it can not find all the names that Colors.parse_color() can find RGB values for. Returns the colors rgb hex value prepended with "#" upon failure.

Method hsv_to_rgb

array(int(8bit)) hsv_to_rgb(array(int(8bit)) hsv)
array(int(8bit)) hsv_to_rgb(int(8bit) h, int(8bit) s, int(8bit) v)


This function returns the RGB value of the color described by the provided HSV value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.hsv(h,s,v)->rgb().

See also

Colors.rgb_to_hsv() Image.Color.hsv()

Method parse_color

array(3:int(8bit)) parse_color(string|zero name, array(3:int(8bit))|void def)


This function returns the RGB values that corresponds to the color that is provided by name to the function. It is essentially calling Image.Color.guess(), but returns the default value (or black if none is provided) if it failes.

Method rgb_to_cmyk

array(int(0..100)) rgb_to_cmyk(array(int(8bit)) rgb)
array(int(0..100)) rgb_to_cmyk(int(8bit) r, int(8bit) g, int(8bit) b)


This function returns the CMYK value of the color described by the provided RGB value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.rgb(r,g,b)->cmyk().

See also

Colors.cmyk_to_rgb() Image.Color.Color.cmyk()

Method rgb_to_hsv

array(int(8bit)) rgb_to_hsv(array(int(8bit)) rgb)
array(int(8bit)) rgb_to_hsv(int(8bit) r, int(8bit) g, int(8bit) b)


This function returns the HSV value of the color described by the provided RGB value. It is essentially calling Image.Color.rgb(r,g,b)->hsv().

See also

Colors.hsv_to_rgb() Image.Color.Color.hsv()

Module Image.ANY


These method calls other decoding methods and has some heuristics for what type of image this is.

Method _decode
Method decode
Method decode_alpha

mapping _decode(string data)
object decode(string data)
object decode_alpha(string data)


Tries heuristics to find the correct method of decoding the data, then calls that method.

The result of _decode() is a mapping that contains

"type" : string

File type information as MIME type (ie "image/jpeg" or similar)

"image" : Image.Image

the image object

alpha : int

the alpha channel or 0 if N/A


Throws upon failure.

Method decode_header

mapping decode_header(string data)


Tries heuristics to find the correct method of decoding the header, then calls that method.

The resulting mapping depends on wich decode_header method that is executed, but these keys will probably exist

"xsize" : int

Size of image

"ysize" : int
"type" : string

File type information as MIME type.

"color_space" : string

Color space of image.


Throws upon failure.

Module Image


Image processing, decoding/loading and encoding/saving.

Some starting points: Image.Image - The main image object
Image.load, Image.load_layers - Loads and decodes data
Image.lay - The base image layer compositing method

Method _decode

mapping|zero _decode(string data, bool|void exif)


Attempts to decode data as image data. The heuristics has some limited ability to decode macbinary files as well.

Method _load

mapping _load(void|object|string file)


Loads a file with load_file and decodes it with _decode.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Attempts to decode data as image data. The heuristics has some limited ability to decode macbinary files as well.

Method decode_layers

array(Image.Layer)|zero decode_layers(string data, mapping|void opt)


Attempts to decode data as image layer data. Additional arguments to the various formats decode_layers method can be passed through opt.

Method exif_decode

mapping exif_decode(string data)


Like _decode() but decodes EXIF and applies the rotation.

Method filled_circle
Method filled_circle_layer

Image.Image filled_circle(int d)
Image.Image filled_circle(int xd, int yd)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int d)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int xd, int yd)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int d, Image.Color.Color color)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int xd, int yd, Image.Color.Color color)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int d, int r, int g, int b)
Image.Layer filled_circle_layer(int xd, int yd, int r, int g, int b)


Generates a filled circle of the dimensions xd x yd (or d x d). The Image is a white circle on black background; the layer function defaults to a white circle (the background is transparent).

Method lay

Image.Layer lay(array(Image.Layer|mapping) layers)
Image.Layer lay(array(Image.Layer|mapping) layers, int xoffset, int yoffset, int xsize, int ysize)


Combine layers.


a new layer object.

See also


Method load

Image.Image load(void|object|string file)


Helper function to load an image from a file. If no filename is given, Stdio.stdin is used. The loaded file is decoded with _decode.

Method load_file

local string load_file(void|object|string file)


Loads in a file, which need not be an image file. If no argument is given the data will be taken from stdin. If a file object is given, it will be read to the end of the file. If a string is given the function will first attempt to load a file with that name, then try to download data with the string as URL. Zero will be returned upon failure.

Method load_layer

Image.Layer load_layer(void|object|string file)


Helper function to load an image layer from a file. If no filename is given, Stdio.stdin is used. The loaded file is decoded with _decode.

Method load_layers

array(Image.Layer) load_layers(void|object|string file, mixed|void opts)


Helper function to load all image layers from a file. If no filename is given, Stdio.stdin is used. The loaded file is decoded with decode_layers. Extra arguments to the image types layer decoder, e.g. for XCF files, can be given in the opts mapping.

Method read_file

string read_file(string file)


Reads the file file and, if the file is compressed with gzip or bzip, attempts to decompress it by calling gzip and bzip2 in a Process.create_process call.

Module Image.AVS


An AVS file is a raw (uncompressed) 24 bit image file with alpha.

The file starts with width and height as 32-bit ingegers, followed by 4 x width x height bytes of image data. The format is big endian.

Method decode
Method _decode
Method encode

object decode(string data)
mapping _decode(string data)
string encode(object image, object object|voidalpha)


Handle encoding and decoding of AVS-X images. AVS is rather trivial, and not really useful, but:

An AVS file is a raw (uncompressed) 24 bit image file with alpha. The alpha channel is 8 bit, and there is no separate alpha for r, g and b.

Module Image.BMP


This submodule keeps the BMP (Windows Bitmap) encode/decode capabilities of the Image module.

BMP is common in the Windows environment.

Simple encoding:

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Colortable

Method decode
Method _decode
Method decode_header

object decode(string data)
mapping _decode(string data)
mapping decode_header(string data)
object decode(string data, mapping options)
mapping _decode(string data, mapping options)
mapping decode_header(string data, mapping options)


Decode a BMP.

decode gives an image object, _decode gives a mapping in the format

        "image":image object,
        "colortable":colortable object (if applicable)


the encoded image as a string


Doesn't support all BMP modes. At all.

See also


Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, mapping options)
string encode(object image, object colortable)
string encode(object image, int bpp)


Make a BMP. It default to a 24 bpp BMP file, but if a colortable is given, it will be 8bpp with a palette entry.

option is a mapping that may contain:

"colortable": Image.Colortable   - palette
"bpp":        1|4|8|24           - force this many bits per pixel
"rle":        0|1                - run-length encode (default is 0)

Parameter image

Source image.

Parameter colortable

Colortable object, shortcut for "colortable" in options.


the encoded image as a string


Doesn't support old BMP mode, only "windows" mode.

See also


Module Image.DSI


Decode-only support for the Dream SNES image file format.

This is a little-endian 16 bitplane image format that starts with two 32-bit integers, width and height, followed by w*h*2 bytes of image data.

Each pixel is r5g6b5, a special case is the color r=31,g=0,b=31 (full red, full blue, no green), which is transparent (chroma-keying)

Method _decode

mapping(string:Image.Image) _decode(string data)


Decode the DSI image.

This function will treat pixels with full red, full blue, no green as transparent.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Decode the DSI image, without alpha decoding.

Module Image.DWG


This module decodes the thumbnail raster images embedded in AutoCAD DWG files for AutoCAD version R13, R14 and R2000 (which equals to file version 12, 14 and 15). Implemented according to specifications from http://www.opendwg.org/.

Method __decode

mapping __decode(string data)


Decodes the DWG data into a mapping.

"version" : int

The version of the DWG file. One of 12, 14 and 15.

"bmp" : array(string)

An array with the raw BMP data.

"wmf" : array(string)

An array with the raw WMF data.


This functions throws an error when decoding somehow fails.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data)


Works like __decode, but in addition it has the element "image" in the result mapping, containing the first successfully decoded bitmap image. to the result of decode(data).


If no preview was stored, or no preview could be decoded an error is thrown.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Returns the first successfully decoded bitmap image.


If no preview was stored, or no preview could be decoded an error is thrown.

Module Image.Dims


Reads the dimensions of images of various image formats without decoding the actual image.

Method exif_get

array(int) exif_get(string|Stdio.BlockFile file)


Like get(), but returns the dimensions flipped if Image.JPEG.exif_decode() would flip them

Method exif_get_JPEG

array(int) exif_get_JPEG(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Like get_JPEG(), but returns the dimensions flipped if Image.JPEG.exif_decode() would flip them

Method get

array(int|string)|zero get(string|Stdio.BlockFile file, bool|void exif)


Read dimensions from a JPEG, GIF, PNG, WebP, TIFF or PSD file and return an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0. The argument file should be file object or the data from a file. The offset pointer will be assumed to be at the start of the file data and will be modified by the function.

int 0

Image width.

int 1

Image height.

string 2

Image type. Any of "gif", "png", "tiff", "jpeg", "webp" and "psd".

Method get_GIF

array(int)|zero get_GIF(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a GIF file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Method get_JPEG

array(int) get_JPEG(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a JPEG file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Method get_PNG

array(int)|zero get_PNG(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a PNG file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Method get_PSD

array(int)|zero get_PSD(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a PSD file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Method get_TIFF

array(int)|zero get_TIFF(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a TIFF file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Method get_WebP

array(int)|zero get_WebP(Stdio.BlockFile f)


Reads the dimensions from a WebP file and returns an array with width and height, or if the file isn't a valid image, 0.

Module Image.Fonts


Abstracted Font-handling support. Should be used instead of accessing the FreeType, TTF and Image.Font modules directly.

Constant BLACK

constant int Image.Fonts.BLACK


The font is/should be black.


This also implies BOLD.

Constant BOLD

constant int Image.Fonts.BOLD


The font is/should be bold.

Constant ITALIC

constant int Image.Fonts.ITALIC


The font is/should be italic.

Constant NO_FAKE

constant int Image.Fonts.NO_FAKE


Used in open_font() to specify that no fake bold or italic should be attempted.

Method list_fonts

mapping list_fonts()


Returns a list of all the fonts as a mapping.

Method open_font

Font open_font(string fontname, int size, int flags, int|void force)


Find a suitable font in the directories specified with set_font_dirs.

flags is a bitwise or of 0 or more of ITALIC, BOLD and NO_FAKE.

fontname is the human-readable name of the font.

If force is true, a font is always returned (defaulting to arial or the pike builtin font), even if no suitable font is found.

Method set_font_dirs

void set_font_dirs(array(string) directories)


Set the directories where fonts can be found.

Class Image.Fonts.FTFont


FreeType 2.x font.

Class Image.Fonts.Font


The abstract Font class. The file is a valid font-file, size is in pixels, but the size of the characters to be rendered, not the height of the finished image (the image is generally speaking bigger then the size of the characters).

Variable file
Variable size

protected string Image.Fonts.Font.file
protected int Image.Fonts.Font.size

Method __create__

protected local void __create__(string file, int size)

Method create

Image.Fonts.Font Image.Fonts.Font(string file, int size)

Method info

mapping info()


Returns some information about the font. Always included: file: Filename specified when the font was opened size: Size specified when the font was opened family: Family name style: Bitwise or of the style flags, i.e. ITALIC and BOLD.

Method set_fake_bold

int set_fake_bold(int fb)


The amount of 'boldness' that should be added to the font when text is rendered.

Method set_fake_italic

int set_fake_italic(bool fi)


If true, make the font italic.

Method text_extents

array(int) text_extents(string ... lines)


Returns ({ xsize, ysize }) of the image that will result if lines is sent as the argument to write.

Method write

Image.Image write(string ... line)


Render the text strings sent as line as an alpha-channel image.

Class Image.Fonts.TTFont


FreeType 1.x font.

Module Image.FreeType


Pike glue for the FreeType2 library, http://www.freetype.org/


constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_SFNT
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_HORIZONTAL
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_VERTICAL
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_KERNING
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_FAST_GLYPHS
constant Image.FreeType.FACE_FLAG_GLYPH_NAMES


constant Image.FreeType.STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC
constant Image.FreeType.STYLE_FLAG_BOLD

Class Image.FreeType.Face


A FreeType font face. We recommend using the more generic font handling interfaces in Image.Fonts instead.

Method attach_file

void attach_file(string file)

Method create

Image.FreeType.Face Image.FreeType.Face(string(8bit) font, int(0..)|void face_number)

Parameter font

The path of the font file to use

Parameter face_number

The face number within the font to load, if supported by the font format.

Method get_kerning

int get_kerning(int l, int r)

Method info

mapping info()

"family" : string

The font family, or the string "unknown"

"style_name" : string

The name of the font style, or "unknown"

"face_flags" : int

The number of faces contained within the font file.

"face_count" : int
"style_flags" : int

The sum of all face/style flags respectively.

Method list_encodings

array(string) list_encodings()

Method select_encoding

void select_encoding(string|int encoding)

Method set_size

Face set_size(int width, int height)

Method write_char

Image.Image write_char(int char)

Module Image.GIF


This submodule keep the GIF encode/decode capabilities of the Image module.

GIF is a common image storage format, usable for a limited color palette - a GIF image can only contain as most 256 colors - and animations.

Simple encoding: encode, encode_trans

Advanced stuff: render_block, header_block, end_block, netscape_loop_block

Very advanced stuff: _render_block, _gce_block

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Colortable

Method __decode

array __decode()


Decodes a GIF image structure down to chunks and

({int xsize,int ysize,      // 0: size of image drawing area
  int numcol,               // 2: suggested number of colors
  void|string colortable,   // 3: opt. global colortable
  ({ int aspx, int aspy,    // 4,0: aspect ratio or 0, 0 if not set
     int background }),     //   1: index of background color
followed by any number these blocks in any order:
  ({ GIF.EXTENSION,         //   0: block identifier
     int extension,         //   1: extension number
     string data })         //   2: extension data
  ({ GIF.RENDER,            //   0: block identifier
     int x, int y,          //   1: position of render
     int xsize, int ysize,  //   3: size of render
     int interlace,         //   5: interlace flag
     void|string colortbl,  //   6: opt. local colortable
     int lzwsize,           //   7: lzw code size
     string lzwdata })      //   8: packed lzw data
and possibly ended with one of these:
  ({ GIF.ERROR_PREMATURE_EOD })   // premature end-of-data
  ({ GIF.ERROR_TOO_MUCH_DATA,     // data following end marker
     string data })               // (rest of file)
  ({ GIF.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DATA,      // unknown data
     string data })               // (rest of file)


the above array


May throw errors if the GIF header is incomplete or illegal.

This is in the very advanced sector of the GIF support; please read about how GIF files works.

Method _decode

array _decode(string gifdata)
array _decode(array __decoded)


Decodes a GIF image structure down to chunks, and also decode the images in the render chunks.

({int xsize,int ysize,    // 0: size of image drawing area
  void|object colortable, // 2: opt. global colortable
  ({ int aspx, int aspy,  // 3 0: aspect ratio or 0, 0 if not set
     int background }),   //   2: index of background color
followed by any number these blocks in any order (gce chunks are decoded and incorporated in the render chunks):
  ({ GIF.RENDER,          //   0: block identifier
    int x, int y,         //   1: position of render
    object image,         //   3: render image
    void|object alpha,    //   4: 0 or render alpha channel
    object colortable,    //   5: colortable (may be same as global)
    int interlace,        //   6: interlace flag
    int trans_index,      //   7: 0 or transparent color index
    int delay,            //   8: 0 or delay in centiseconds
    int user_input,       //   9: user input flag
    int disposal})        //  10: disposal method number (0..7)
  ({ GIF.EXTENSION,       //   0: block identifier
     int extension,       //   1: extension number
     string data })       //   2: extension data
and possibly ended with one of these:
  ({ GIF.ERROR_PREMATURE_EOD })   // premature end-of-data
  ({ GIF.ERROR_TOO_MUCH_DATA,     // data following end marker
     string data })               // (rest of file)
  ({ GIF.ERROR_UNKNOWN_DATA,      // unknown data
     string data })               // (rest of file)

The decode method uses this data in a way similar to this program:

import Image;
object my_decode_gif(string data)
   array a=GIF._decode(data);
   object img=image(a[0],a[1]);
   foreach (a[4..],array b)
      if (b[0]==GIF.RENDER)
         if (b[4]) img->paste_alpha(b[3],b[4],b[1],b[2]);
         else img->paste(b[3],b[1],b[2]);
   return img;

Parameter gifdata

GIF data (with header and all)

Parameter __decoded

GIF data as from __decode


the above array


May throw errors if the GIF header is incomplete or illegal.

This is in the very advanced sector of the GIF support; please read about how GIF files works.

Method _encode

string _encode(array data)


Encodes GIF data; reverses _decode.

Parameter data

data as returned from _encode


Some given values in the array are ignored. This function does not give the _exact_ data back!

Method _gce_block

string _gce_block(int transparency, int transparency_index, int delay, int user_input, int disposal)


This function gives back a Graphic Control Extension block. A GCE block has the scope of the following render block.

Parameter transparency
Parameter transparency_index

The following image has transparency, marked with this index.

Parameter delay

View the following rendering for this many centiseconds (0..65535).

Parameter user_input

Wait the delay or until user input. If delay is zero, wait indefinitely for user input. May sound the bell upon decoding.

Parameter disposal

Disposal method number;


This is in the very advanced sector of the GIF support; please read about how GIF files works.

Most decoders just ignore some or all of these parameters.

See also

_render_block, render_block

Method _render_block

string _render_block(int x, int y, int xsize, int ysize, int bpp, string indices, zero|string colortable, int interlace)


Advanced (!) method for writing renderblocks for placement in a GIF file. This method only applies LZW encoding on the indices and makes the correct headers.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Position of this image.

Parameter xsize
Parameter ysize

Size of the image. Length if the indices string must be xsize*ysize.

Parameter bpp

Bits per pixels in the indices. Valid range 1..8.

Parameter indices

The image indices as an 8bit indices.

Parameter colortable

Colortable with colors to write as palette. If this argument is zero, no local colortable is written. Colortable string len must be 1<<bpp.

Parameter interlace

Interlace index data and set interlace bit. The given string should _not_ be pre-interlaced.


This is in the very advanced sector of the GIF support; please read about how GIF files works.

See also

encode, _encode, header_block, end_block

Method decode

object decode(string data)
object decode(array _decoded)
object decode(array __decoded)


Decodes GIF data and creates an image object.


the decoded image as an image object


This function may throw errors upon illegal GIF data. This function uses __decode, _decode, Image.Image->paste and Image.Image->paste_alpha internally.

See also


Method decode_layers
Method decode_layer

array(object) decode_layers(string data)
array(object) decode_layers(array _decoded)
object decode_layer(string data)
object decode_layer(array _decoded)


Decodes GIF data and creates an array of layers or the resulting layer.


The resulting layer may not have the same size as the gif image, but the resulting bounding box of all render chunks in the gif file. The offset should be correct, though.

See also

encode, decode_map

Method decode_map

mapping decode_map(string|array layers)


Returns a mapping similar to other decoders _decode function.

    "image":the image
    "alpha":the alpha channel
        size of image
        file type information as MIME type


The weird name of this function (not _decode as the other decoders) is because gif was the first decoder and was written before the API was finally defined. Sorry about that. /Mirar

Method encode
Method encode_trans

string encode(object img)
string encode(object img, int colors)
string encode(object img, object colortable)
string encode_trans(object img, object alpha)
string encode_trans(object img, int tr_r, int tr_g, int tr_b)
string encode_trans(object img, int colors, object alpha)
string encode_trans(object img, int colors, int tr_r, int tr_g, int tr_b)
string encode_trans(object img, int colors, object alpha, int tr_r, int tr_g, int tr_b)
string encode_trans(object img, object colortable, object alpha)
string encode_trans(object img, object colortable, int tr_r, int tr_g, int tr_b)
string encode_trans(object img, object colortable, object alpha, int a_r, int a_g, int a_b)
string encode_trans(object img, object colortable, int transp_index)


Create a complete GIF file.

The latter (encode_trans) functions add transparency capabilities.


[...] // make your very-nice image
write(<ref>Image.GIF.encode</ref>(img)); // write it as GIF on stdout

Parameter img

The image which to encode.

Parameter colors
Parameter colortable

These arguments decides what colors the image should be encoded with. If a number is given, a colortable with be created with (at most) that amount of colors. Default is '256' (GIF maximum amount of colors).

Parameter alpha

Alpha channel image (defining what is transparent); black color indicates transparency. GIF has only transparent or nontransparent (no real alpha channel). You can always dither a transparency channel: Image.Colortable(my_alpha, ({({0,0,0}),({255,255,255})}))

Parameter tr_r
Parameter tr_g
Parameter tr_b

Use this (or the color closest to this) color as transparent pixels.

Parameter a_r
Parameter a_g
Parameter a_b

Encode transparent pixels (given by alpha channel image) to have this color. This option is for making GIFs for the decoders that doesn't support transparency.

Parameter transp_index

Use this color no in the colortable as transparent color.


For advanced users:

is equivalent of using
and is actually implemented that way.

Method end_block

string end_block()


This function gives back a GIF end (trailer) block.


the end block as a string.


This is in the advanced sector of the GIF support; please read some about how GIFs are packed.

The result of this function is always ";" or "\x3b", but I recommend using this function anyway for code clearity.

See also

header_block, end_block

Method header_block

string header_block(int xsize, int ysize, int numcolors)
string header_block(int xsize, int ysize, object colortable)
string header_block(int xsize, int ysize, object colortable, int background_color_index, int gif87a, int aspectx, int aspecty)
string header_block(int xsize, int ysize, object colortable, int background_color_index, int gif87a, int aspectx, int aspecty, int r, int g, int b)


This function gives back a GIF header block.

Giving a colortable to this function includes a global palette in the header block.

Parameter xsize
Parameter ysize

Size of drawing area. Usually same size as in the first (or only) render block(s).

Parameter background_color_index

This color in the palette is the background color. Background is visible if the following render block(s) doesn't fill the drawing area or are transparent. Most decoders doesn't use this value, though.

Parameter gif87a

If set, write 'GIF87a' instead of 'GIF89a' (default 0 == 89a).

Parameter aspectx
Parameter aspecty

Aspect ratio of pixels, ranging from 4:1 to 1:4 in increments of 1/16th. Ignored by most decoders. If any of aspectx or aspecty is zero, aspectratio information is skipped.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

Add this color as the transparent color. This is the color used as transparency color in case of alpha-channel given as image object. This increases (!) the number of colors by one.


the created header block as a string


This is in the advanced sector of the GIF support; please read some about how GIFs are packed.

This GIF encoder doesn't support different size of colors in global palette and color resolution.

See also

header_block, end_block

Method netscape_loop_block

string netscape_loop_block()
string netscape_loop_block(int number_of_loops)


Creates a application-specific extention block; this block makes netscape and compatible browsers loop the animation a certain amount of times.

Parameter number_of_loops

Number of loops. Max and default is 65535.

Method render_block

string render_block(object img, object colortable, int x, int y, int localpalette)
string render_block(object img, object colortable, int x, int y, int localpalette, object alpha)
string render_block(object img, object colortable, int x, int y, int localpalette, object alpha, int r, int g, int b)
string render_block(object img, object colortable, int x, int y, int localpalette, int delay, int transp_index, int interlace, int user_input, int disposal)
string render_block(object img, object colortable, int x, int y, int localpalette, object alpha, int r, int g, int b, int delay, int interlace, int user_input, int disposal)


This function gives a image block for placement in a GIF file, with or without transparency. The some options actually gives two blocks, the first with graphic control extensions for such things as delay or transparency.


[...] // make your very-nice images
nct=<ref>Image.Colortable</ref>([...]); // make a nice colortable
write(<ref>Image.GIF.header_block</ref>(xsize,ysize,nct)); // write a GIF header
write(<ref>Image.GIF.render_block</ref>(img1,nct,0,0,0,10)); // write a render block
write(<ref>Image.GIF.render_block</ref>(img2,nct,0,0,0,10)); // write a render block
write(<ref>Image.GIF.end_block</ref>()); // write end block
// voila! A GIF animation on stdout.

The above animation is thus created:

object nct=Image.Colortable(lena,32,({({0,0,0})}));
string s=GIF.header_block(lena->xsize(),lena->ysize(),nct);
foreach ( ({lena->xsize(),
            (int)(lena->xsize()*0.75)}),int xsize)
   object o=lena->scale(xsize,lena->ysize());
   object p=lena->clear(0,0,0);

Parameter img

The image.

Parameter colortable

Colortable with colors to use and to write as palette.

Parameter x
Parameter y

Position of this image.

Parameter localpalette

If set, writes a local palette.

Parameter alpha

Alpha channel image; black is transparent.

Parameter r
Parameter g
Parameter b

Color of transparent pixels. Not all decoders understands transparency. This is ignored if localpalette isn't set.

Parameter delay

View this image for this many centiseconds. Default is zero.

Parameter transp_index

Index of the transparent color in the colortable. -1 indicates no transparency.

Parameter user_input

If set: wait the delay or until user input. If delay is zero, wait indefinitely for user input. May sound the bell upon decoding. Default is non-set.

Parameter disposal

Disposal method number;


This is in the advanced sector of the GIF support; please read some about how GIFs are packed.

The user_input and disposal method are unsupported in most decoders.

See also

encode, header_block, end_block

Module Image.HRZ


HRZ is rather trivial, and not really useful, but:

The HRZ file is always 256x240 with RGB values from 0 to 63. No compression, no header, just the raw RGB data. HRZ is (was?) used for amateur radio slow-scan TV.

Method decode
Method _decode
Method encode

object decode(string data)
mapping _decode(string data)
string encode(object image)


Handle encoding and decoding of HRZ images.

Module Image.ILBM


This submodule keep the ILBM encode/decode capabilities of the Image module.

ILBM is a subtype of the Interchange File Format (IFF) used for storing picture data. ILBM stands for InterLeaved BitMap which refers to the way the pictures are stored. The image data is stored as a varying number of bitplanes, each storing one bit of data for each pixel in the image. The format supports horizontal and vertical RLE (Run Length Encoding) compression.

The format also natively supports images using the somewhat esoteric image modes of the original Commodore Amiga, such as HAM (Hold And Modify)

The format was commonly used for images on the Amiga.

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Colortable

Method __decode

array __decode()


Decodes an ILBM image structure down to chunks and

({int xsize,int ysize,      // 0: size of image drawing area
  string bitmapheader,      // 2: BMHD chunk
  void|string colortable,   // 3: opt. colortable chunk (CMAP)
  void|string colortable,   // 4: opt. colormode chunk (CAMG)
  string body,              // 5: BODY chunk
  mapping more_chunks})     // 6: mapping with other chunks


the above array


May throw errors if the ILBM header is incomplete or illegal.

Method _decode

array _decode(string|array data)


Decode an ILBM image file.

Result is a mapping,

   "image": object image,
   ... more ...

image is the stored image.

Method decode

object decode(string data)
object decode(array _decoded)
object decode(array __decoded)


Decodes ILBM data and creates an image object.


the decoded image as an image object


This function may throw errors upon illegal ILBM data. This function uses __decode and _decode internally.

See also


Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, object mappingoptions)


Encodes an ILBM image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

normal options:
    "alpha":image object
        Use this image as mask
        (Note: ILBM mask is boolean.
         The values are calculated by (r+2g+b)/4>=128.)
    "palette":colortable object
        Use this as palette for pseudocolor encoding

Module Image.JPEG


This module uses libjpeg, a software from Independent JPEG Group.

Inherit "____Image_JPEG"

inherit "____Image_JPEG" : "____Image_JPEG"

Constant DEFAULT

constant Image.JPEG.DEFAULT

Constant FASTEST

constant Image.JPEG.FASTEST

Constant FLIP_H

constant Image.JPEG.FLIP_H

Constant FLIP_V

constant Image.JPEG.FLIP_V

Constant FLOAT

constant Image.JPEG.FLOAT

Constant IFAST

constant Image.JPEG.IFAST

Constant ISLOW

constant Image.JPEG.ISLOW

Constant ROT_180

constant Image.JPEG.ROT_180

Constant ROT_270

constant Image.JPEG.ROT_270

Constant ROT_90

constant Image.JPEG.ROT_90


constant Image.JPEG.TRANSPOSE


constant Image.JPEG.TRANSVERSE

Method decode
Method _decode
Method decode_header

object decode(string data)
object decode(string data, mapping options)
mapping _decode(string data)
mapping _decode(string data, mapping options)
mapping decode_header(string data)


Decodes a JPEG image. The simple decode function simply gives the image object, the other functions gives a mapping of information (see below).

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more decoding options:

"block_smoothing" : bool

Do interblock smoothing. Default is on (1).

"fancy_upsampling" : bool

Do fancy upsampling of chroma components. Default is on (1).

"method" : int

DCT method to use. Any of IFAST, ISLOW, FLOAT, DEFAULT or FASTEST. DEFAULT and FASTEST is from the jpeg library, probably ISLOW and IFAST respective.

"scale_num" : int(1..)

Rescale the image when read from JPEG data. My (Mirar) version (6a) of jpeglib can only handle 1/1, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8.

"scale_denom" : int(1..)

_decode and decode_header gives a mapping as result, with this content:

"comment" : string

Comment marker of JPEG file, if present.

"xsize" : int

Size of image

"ysize" : int
"xdpi" : float

Image dpi, if known.

"ydpi" : float
"type" : string

File type information as MIME type. Always "image/jpeg".

"num_compontents" : int

Number of channels in JPEG image.

"color_space" : string

Color space of JPEG image. Any of "GRAYSCALE", "RGB", "YUV", "CMYK", "YCCK" or "UNKNOWN".

"density_unit" : int(0..2)

The unit used for x_density and y_density.


No unit





"x_density" : int

Density of image.

"y_density" : int
"adobe_marker" : bool

If the file has an Adobe marker.

"quant_tables" : mapping(int:array(array(int)))

JPEG quant tables.

"quality" : int(0..100)

JPEG quality guess.

"marker" : mapping(int(8bit):string(8bit)|array(string(8bit)))

Mapping from application and comment markers to their values.

Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(string|object image, mapping options)


Encodes an image object with JPEG compression. The image may also be a string containing a raw JPEG image. In the The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

"quality" : int(0..100)

Set quality of result. Default is 75.

"optimize" : bool

Optimize Huffman table. Default is on (1) for images smaller than 50kpixels.

"progressive" : bool

Make a progressive JPEG. Default is off (0).

"grayscale" : bool

Make a grayscale JPEG instead of color (YCbCr).

"smooth" : int(1..100)

Smooth input. Value is strength.

"method" : int

DCT method to use. Any of IFAST, ISLOW, FLOAT, DEFAULT or FASTEST. DEFAULT and FASTEST is from the jpeg library, probably ISLOW and IFAST respectively.

"density_unit" : int(0..2)

The unit used for x_density and y_density.


No unit





"x_density" : int

Density of image.

"y_density" : int
"comment" : string

Comment to be written in the JPEG file. Must not be a wide string.

"baseline" : bool

Force baseline output. Useful for quality<25. Default is off for quality<25.

"quant_tables" : mapping(int:array(array(int)))

Tune quantisation tables manually.

"marker" : mapping(int:string(8bit)|array(string(8bit)))

Application and comment markers; the integer should be one of Marker.COM, Marker.APP0, Marker.APP1, ..., Marker.APP15. The string is up to the application; most notable are Adobe and Photoshop markers.

"transform" : int

Lossless image transformation. Has only effect when supplying a JPEG file as indata.


Flip image horizontally


Flip image vertically


Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise


Rotate image 180 degrees clockwise


Rotate image 270 degrees clockwise


Transpose image


Transverse image


Please read some about JPEG files. A quality setting of 100 does not mean the result is lossless.

Method exif_decode

mapping exif_decode(string data, mapping|void options)


Decodes the image as _decode would and then proceeds to decode any EXIF information in the image. If it contain any Orientation information the image will be flipped/rotated according to it. The EXIF data will be returned as a mapping under the key "exif". If an error is encountered during the processing of EXIF information, the backtrace will be returned under the key "error".

Method quant_tables

mapping(int:array(array(int))) quant_tables(int|void a)


Document this function

Class Image.JPEG.Marker

Constant APP0

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP0

Constant APP1

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP1

Constant APP10

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP10

Constant APP11

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP11

Constant APP12

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP12

Constant APP13

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP13

Constant APP14

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP14

Constant APP15

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP15

Constant APP2

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP2

Constant APP3

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP3

Constant APP4

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP4

Constant APP5

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP5

Constant APP6

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP6

Constant APP7

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP7

Constant APP8

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP8

Constant APP9

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.APP9

Constant COM

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.COM

Constant EOI

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.EOI

Constant RST0

constant Image.JPEG.Marker.RST0

Module Image.NEO


Decodes images from the Atari image editor Neochrome.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data)


Low level decoding of the NEO file contents in data.

"image" : Image.Image

The decoded bitmap

"images" : array(Image.Image)

Coler cycled images.

"filename" : string

The filename stored into the file.

"right_limit" : int(4bit)

The palette color range to be color cycled.

"left_limit" : int(4bit)
"speed" : int(8bit)

The animation speed, expressed as the number of VBLs per animation frame.

"direction" : string

Color cycling direction. Can be either "left" or "right".

"palette" : array(array(int(8bit)))

The palette to be used for color cycling.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Decodes the image data into an Image.Image object.

Module Image.PCX


PCX, standing for Personal Computer Exchange, is an image file format developed by the now-defunct ZSoft Corporation of Marietta, Georgia. It was the native file format for PC Paintbrush and became one of the first widely accepted DOS imaging standards, although it has since been succeeded by more sophisticated image formats, such as BMP, JPEG, and PNG. PCX files commonly stored palette-indexed images ranging from 2 or 4 colors to 16 and 256 colors, although the format has been extended to record true-color (24-bit) images as well.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data)


Decodes a PCX image to a mapping.


Throws upon error in data.

Method encode
Method _encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, object mappingoptions)
string _encode(object image)
string _encode(object image, object mappingoptions)


Encodes a PCX image. The _encode and the encode functions are identical

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

normal options:
        Do not RLE encode the image
        Image resolution (in pixels/inch, integer numbers)
        Image offset (not used by most programs, but gimp uses it)

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes a PCX image.


Throws upon error in data.

Module Image.PNG


Support for encoding and decoding the Portable Network Graphics format, PNG.


This module uses zlib.

Method __decode

array __decode(string data)
array __decode(string data, int dontcheckcrc)


Splits a PNG file into chunks.


Result is an array of arrays, or 0 if data isn't a PNG file. Each element in the array is constructed as follows.

string 0

The type of the chunk, e.g. "IHDR" or "IDAT".

string 1

The actual chunk data.

bool 2

Set to 1 if the checksum is ok and dontcheckcrc isn't set.


Please read about the PNG file format. Support for decoding cHRM, gAMA, sBIT, hIST, pHYs, tIME, tEXt and zTXt chunks are missing.

Method _chunk

string _chunk(string type, string data)


Encodes a PNG chunk.


Please read about the PNG file format.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string|array data)
mapping _decode(string|array data, mapping options)


Decode a PNG image file.

Parameter options
"colortable" : string|array|Image.Colortable

A replacement color table to be used instead of the one in the PNG file, if any.

"image" : Image.Image

The decoded image.

"bpp" : int

Number of bitplanes in the image. One of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16.

"type" : int

Image color type. Bit values are:


Palette used.


Color used.


Alpha channel used.

Valid values are 0, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

"xsize" : int

Image dimensions.

"ysize" : int
"background" : array(int)

The background color, if any. An array of size three with the RGB values.

"alpha" : Image.Image

The alpha channel, if any.


Throws an error if the image data is erroneous.


Please read about the PNG file format. This function ignores any checksum errors in the file. A PNG of higher color resolution than the Image module supports (8 bit) will lose that information in the conversion.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)
Image.Image decode(string data, mapping(string:mixed) options)


Decodes a PNG image. The options mapping is the as for _decode.


Throws upon error in data.

Method decode_alpha

Image.Image decode_alpha(string data, void|mapping(string:mixed) options)


Decodes the alpha channel in a PNG file. The options mapping is the same as for _decode.


Throws upon error in data.

Method decode_header

mapping decode_header(string data)


Decodes only the PNG headers.

See also


Method encode

string encode(Image.Image image)
string encode(Image.Image image, mapping options)


Encodes a PNG image.

Parameter options
"alpha" : Image.Image

Use this image as alpha channel (Note: PNG alpha channel is grey. The values are calculated by (r+2g+b)/4.)

"palette" : Image.Colortable

Use this as palette for pseudocolor encoding (Note: encoding with alpha channel and pseudocolor at the same time are not supported)

"zlevel" : int(0..9)

The level of z-compression to be applied. Default is 9.

"zstrategy" : int

The type of LZ77 strategy to be used. Possible values are Gz.DEFAULT_STRATEGY, Gz.FILTERED, Gz.HUFFMAN_ONLY, Gz.RLE, Gz.FIXED. Default is Gz.DEFAULT_STRATEGY.

See also



Please read some about PNG files.

Module Image.PNM


This submodule keeps the PNM encode/decode capabilities of the Image module.

PNM is a common image storage format on unix systems, and is a very simple format.

This format doesn't use any color palette.

The format is divided into seven subformats;

P1(PBM) - ascii bitmap (only two colors)
P2(PGM) - ascii greymap (only grey levels)
P3(PPM) - ascii truecolor
P4(PBM) - binary bitmap
P5(PGM) - binary greymap
P6(PPM) - binary truecolor
P7 - binary truecolor (used by xv for thumbnails)

Simple encoding:

Simple decoding:

Advanced encoding:

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.GIF

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes PNM (PBM/PGM/PPM) data and creates an image object.


the decoded image as an image object


This function may throw errors upon illegal PNM data.

See also


Method encode
Method encode_binary
Method encode_ascii
Method encode_P1
Method encode_P2
Method encode_P3
Method encode_P4
Method encode_P5
Method encode_P6

string encode(object image)
string encode_binary(object image)
string encode_ascii(object image)
string encode_P1(object image)
string encode_P2(object image)
string encode_P3(object image)
string encode_P4(object image)
string encode_P5(object image)
string encode_P6(object image)


Make a complete PNM file from an image.

encode_binary() and encode_ascii() uses the most optimized encoding for this image (bitmap, grey or truecolor) - P4, P5 or P6 respective P1, P2 or P3.

encode_P1/encode_P4 assumes the image is black and white. Use Image.Image->threshold() or something like Image.Colortable( ({({0,0,0}),({255,255,255})}) )
to get a black and white image.

encode_P2/encode_P5 assumes the image is greyscale. Use Image.Image->grey() to get a greyscale image.


the encoded image as a string


encode() is equal to encode_binary(), but may change in a future release.

See also


Module Image.PS


Codec for the Adobe page description language PostScript. Uses Ghostscript for decoding or built-in support.

Variable _encode

function(:void) Image.PS._encode


Same as encode. Present for API reasons.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data, mapping|void options)


Calls decode and returns the image in the "image" index of the mapping. This method is present for API reasons.

Method decode

object decode(string data, mapping|void options)


Decodes the postscript data into an image object using Ghostscript.

Parameter options

Optional decoding parameters.

"dpi" : int

The resolution the image should be rendered in. Defaults to 100.

"device" : string

The selected Ghostscript device. Defaults to "ppmraw".

"binary" : string

Path to the Ghostscript binary to be used. If missing the environment paths will be searched for a file "gs" to be used instead.

"force_gs" : bool

Forces use of Ghostscript for EPS files instead of Pikes native support.

"eps_crop" : bool

Use -dEPSCrop option to Ghostscript to crop the BoundingBox for a EPS file.

"cie_color" : bool

Use -dUseCIEColor option to Ghostscript for mapping color values through a CIE color space.

"file" : string

Filename to read. If this is specified, it will be passed along to the gs binary, so that it can read the file directly. If this is specified data may be set to 0 (zero).


Some versions of gs on MacOS X have problems with reading files on stdin. If this occurrs, try writing to a plain file and specifying the file option.


gs versions 7.x and earlier don't support rendering of EPSes if they are specified with the file option. If this is a problem, upgrade to gs version 8.x or later.

Method decode_header

mapping|zero decode_header(string data)


Decodes the header of the postscript data into a mapping.

"xsize" : int

Size of image

"ysize" : int
"type" : string

File type information as MIME type. Always "application/postscript".

"color_space" : string

Color space of image. "GRAYSCALE", "LAB", RGB", "CMYK" or "UNKNOWN"

Method encode

string encode(object img, mapping|void options)


Encodes the image object img as a postscript 3.0 file.

Parameter options

Optional extra encoding parameters.

"dpi" : int

The resolution of the encoded image. Defaults to 100.

"eps" : bool

If the resulting image should be an eps instead of ps. Defaults to 0, no.

Module Image.PSD


PhotoShop Document image format.

Inherit _PSD

inherit Image._PSD : _PSD

Method __decode

mapping __decode(string|mapping data)


Decodes a PSD image to a mapping, defined as follows.

"channels" : int(1..24)

The number of channels in the image, including any alpha channels.

"height" : int(1..30000)

The image dimensions.

"width" : int(1..30000)
"compression" : bool

1 if the image is compressed, 0 if not.

"depth" : int(1)|int(8)|int(16)

The number of bits per channel.

"mode" : int(0..4)|int(7..9)

The color mode of the file.

















"color_data" : string

Raw color data.

"image_data" : string

Ram image data.

"resources" : mapping(string|int:mixed)

Additional image data. See mappping below.

"layers" : array(Layer)

An array with the layers of the image. See mapping below.

The resources mapping. Unknown resources will be identified by their ID number (as an int).

"caption" : string

Image caption.

"url" : string

Image associated URL.

"active_layer" : int

Which layer is active.

"guides" : array(mapping(string:int))

An array with all guides stored in the image file.

"pos" : int

The position of the guide.

"vertical" : bool

1 if the guide is vertical, 0 if it is horizontal.

"resinfo" : mapping(string:int)

Resolution information

"hres" : int

FIXME: Document these.

"hres_unit" : int
"width_unit" : int
"vres" : int
"vres_unit" : int
"height_unit" : int

The layer members:

"top" : int

The rectangle containing the contents of the layer.

"left" : int
"right" : int
"bottom" : int
"mask_top" : int

FIXME: Document these

"mask_left" : int
"mask_right" : int
"mask_bottom" : int
"mask_flags" : int
"opacity" : int(8bit)

0=transparent, 255=opaque.

"clipping" : int

0=base, 1=non-base.

"flags" : int

bit 0=transparency protected bit 1=visible

"mode" : string

Blend mode.







"hue "


"sat "




"lum "


"mul "









Hard light


Soft light



"extra_data" : string

Raw extra data.

"name" : string

The name of the layer

"channels" : array(mapping(string:int|string))

The channels of the layer. Each array element is a mapping as follows

"id" : int

The ID of the channel


User supplied layer mask


Transparency mask







"data" : string

The image data

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string|mapping data, mapping|void options)


Decodes a PSD image to a mapping, with at least an 'image' and possibly an 'alpha' object. Data is either a PSD image, or a mapping (as received from __decode)

Parameter options
"background" : array(int)|Image.Color

Sets the background to the given color. Arrays should be in the format ({r,g,b}).

"draw_all_layers" : bool

Draw invisible layers as well.

"draw_guides" : bool

Draw the guides.

"draw_selection" : bool

Mark the selection using an overlay.

"ignore_unknown_layer_modes" : bool

Do not asume 'Normal' for unknown layer modes.

"mark_layers" : bool

Draw an outline around all (drawn) layers.

"mark_layer_names" : Image.Font

Write the name of all layers using the font object,

"mark_active_layer" : bool

Draw an outline around the active layer

"image" : Image.Image

The image object.

"alpha" : Image.Image

The alpha channel image object.


Throws upon error in data. For more information, see __decode

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Decodes a PSD image to a single image object.


Throws upon error in data. To get access to more information like alpha channels and layer names, see _decode and __decode.

Method decode_layers

array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(string data, mapping|void options)


Decodes a PSD image to an array of Image.Layer objects

The layer object have the following extra variables (to be queried using Image.Layer()->get_misc_value):


Returns array containing guide definitions.


Returns string containing the name of the layer.


Is 1 of the layer is visible and 0 if it is hidden.

Accepts these options:

"draw_all_layers" : bool

If included, all layers will be decoded, even the non-visible ones.

"crop_to_bounds" : bool

Remove areas that are outside the image boundaries in all layers

"background" : Image.Color

If included, include a solid background layer with the given color

Method translate_mode

string|zero translate_mode(string mode)


Convert a photoshop mode name to pike Image.lay mode names

Class Image.PSD.Layer

Variable alpha

object Image.PSD.Layer.alpha

Variable flags

int Image.PSD.Layer.flags

Variable width
Variable height

int Image.PSD.Layer.width
int Image.PSD.Layer.height

Variable image

object Image.PSD.Layer.image

Variable mask_default_color

int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_default_color

Variable mask_flags

int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_flags

Variable mask_width
Variable mask_height

int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_width
int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_height

Variable mask_xoffset
Variable mask_yoffset

int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_xoffset
int Image.PSD.Layer.mask_yoffset

Variable mode
Variable name

string Image.PSD.Layer.mode
string Image.PSD.Layer.name

Variable opacity

int Image.PSD.Layer.opacity

Variable xoffset
Variable yoffset

int Image.PSD.Layer.xoffset
int Image.PSD.Layer.yoffset

Module Image.PVR


Handle encoding and decoding of PVR images.

PVR is the texture format of the NEC PowerVR system It is a rather simple, uncompressed, truecolor format.

Method decode
Method decode_alpha
Method decode_header
Method _decode

object decode(string data)
object decode_alpha(string data)
mapping decode_header(string data)
mapping _decode(string data)


decodes a PVR image

The decode_header and _decode has these elements:

   "image":object            - image object    \- not decode_header
   "alpha":object            - decoded alpha   /
   "type":"image/x-pvr"      - image type
   "xsize":int               - horisontal size in pixels
   "ysize":int               - vertical size in pixels
   "attr":int                - texture attributes
   "global_index":int        - global index (if present)

Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, mapping options)


encode a PVR image

options is a mapping with optional values:

   "alpha":object            - alpha channel
   "global_index":int        - global index
   "vq":int(0..1)            - Vector Quantification compression

Module Image.RAS


This submodule keep the RAS (Sun Raster, files commonly use the 'sun' file extension) encode/decode capabilities of the Image module.

The format was commonly used in the 1990:s for images in reasearch papers and such, since SUN workstations was the standard computer in university settings.

The format uses RLE compression, supports rgb24, 8-bit palette, grayscale and monochrome without alpha channels.

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Colortable

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes RAS data and creates an image object.


the decoded image as an image object


This function may throw errors upon illegal RAS data.

See also


Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, object mappingoptions)


Encodes a RAS image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

normal options:
    "palette":colortable object
        Use this as palette for pseudocolor encoding

Module Image.SVG


This is a glue against the librsvg-2.0 library, providing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for Pike.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data, void|mapping options)


Data is the SVG data, the charset must be unicode.

If options is specified, it contains one or more of the following options

xsize : int

If specified, gives the exact width in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

ysize : int

If specified, gives the exact height in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

scale : float

If specified, gives the scale the image will be drawn with. A scale of 2.0 will give an image that is twice as large.

The result is a mapping with the following members:

type : string

Always image/svg

xsize : int

The width of the image, in pixels

ysize : int

The height of the image, in pixels

image : Image.Image

The image data

alpha : Image.Image

The alpha channel data

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data, void|mapping options)


Data is the SVG data, the charset must be unicode.

If options is specified, it contains one or more of the following options

xsize : int

If specified, gives the exact width in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

ysize : int

If specified, gives the exact height in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

scale : float

If specified, gives the scale the image will be drawn with. A scale of 2.0 will give an image that is twice as large.

Returns the image member of the mapping returned by _decode

Method decode_header

mapping decode_header(string data, void|mapping options)


Data is the SVG data, the charset must be unicode.

If options is specified, it contains one or more of the following options

xsize : int

If specified, gives the exact width in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

ysize : int

If specified, gives the exact height in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

scale : float

If specified, gives the scale the image will be drawn with. A scale of 2.0 will give an image that is twice as large.

The result is a mapping with the following members:

type : string

Always image/svg

xsize : int

The width of the image, in pixels

ysize : int

The height of the image, in pixels

Method decode_layers

array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(string data, void|mapping options)


Data is the SVG data, the charset must be unicode.

If options is specified, it contains one or more of the following options

xsize : int

If specified, gives the exact width in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

ysize : int

If specified, gives the exact height in pixels the image will have. If only one of xsize or ysize is specified, the other is calculated.

scale : float

If specified, gives the scale the image will be drawn with. A scale of 2.0 will give an image that is twice as large.

The result is an array of Image.Layer objects. For now there is always at most one member in the array.

Module Image.TGA


TrueVision TGA image decoding and encoding support.

Truevision TGA, often referred to as TARGA, is a raster graphics file format created by Truevision Inc. It was the native format of TARGA and VISTA boards, which were the first graphic cards for IBM-compatible PCs to support Highcolor/truecolor display.

@note TGA images were commonly used for screenshots in games, although since about 2010 most games have started to migrate to PNG images.

Method _decode

object _decode(string data)


Decodes a Targa image to a mapping. The mapping follows this format: ([ "image":img_object, "alpha":alpha_channel ])


Throws upon error in data.

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes a Targa image.


Throws upon error in data.

Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, object mappingoptions)


Encodes a Targa image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options:

normal options:
    "alpha":image object
        Use this image as alpha channel
        (Note: Targa alpha channel is grey.
         The values are calculated by (r+2g+b)/4.)
        Do not RLE encode the image

Module Image.TIFF

Inherit "____Image_TIFF"

inherit "____Image_TIFF" : "____Image_TIFF"





















Variable tiff_tags

mapping(int:mapping(string:mixed)) Image.TIFF.tiff_tags


Defines TIFF tags to parse.

tag : mapping(string:string|TYPE|array(TYPE))

For each supported TIFF tag the following information is kept:

"name" : string

Name of the tag. Currently only used to aid the programmer when reading the rules.

"type" : TYPE|array(TYPE)

Defines what types a tag can have.

"prop" : string|array(string)

The property name that the value of tag will be displayed as in the resulting mapping.

"fn" : function(:void)

Optional function to do processing on the tag value. Can return a single value or a mapping. If mapping, that mapping is added to the resulting mapping. Note that the first argument can either be an integer or a string.

Method _decode

mapping(string:mixed) _decode(string data)


Decodes a TIFF image to a mapping with at least the members image and alpha.

"image" : Image.Image

The actual image.

"alpha" : Image.Image

Image alpha channel.

"xres" : float


"yres" : float
"unit" : string
"xdpy" : float


"ydpy" : float
"xposition" : int 
"yposition" : int 
"photometric" : string

Type of photometric. Can be "unknown".

"extra_samples" : array(int|string)

Array elements are either integers or any of

"threshholding" : string 
"halftone_hints" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"artist" : string 
"datetime" : string 
"hostcomputer" : string 
"software" : string 
"name" : string 
"comment" : string 
"make" : string 
"model" : string 
"page_name" : string 
"page_number" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"colormap" : array(array(int))

Array of array of RGB values.

"whitepoint" : array(int)

Array is always two elements.

"primary_chromaticities" : array(float)

Array is always six elements.

"reference_black_white" : array(array(float))

Array of array of two elements.


Throws upon error in data.

Method encode
Method _encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, mapping options)
string _encode(object image)
string _encode(object image, mapping options)


Encode an image object into a TIFF file. [encode] and _encode are identical.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options. See _decode.


Image.TIFF.encode(img, ([ "compression":Image.TIFF.COMPRESSION_LZW, "name":"an image name", "comment":"an image comment", "alpha":An alpha channel, "dpy":Dots per inch (as a float), "xdpy":Horizontal dots per inch (as a float), "ydpy":Vertical dots per inch (as a float), ]));

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes a TIFF image.


Throws upon error in data.

Method decode_header

mapping|zero decode_header(string data)


Decodes the header of the TIFF data into a mapping.

"xsize" : int

Size of image in pixels.

"ysize" : int
"ImageWidth" : int
"ImageLength" : int
"type" : string

File type information as MIME type. Always "image/tiff".

"color_space" : string

Color space of TIFF image. Either "RGB" or "CMYK".

"byte_order" : string

Either "II" for Little Endian or "MM" for Big Endian.

"NewSubfileType" : int 
"BitsPerSample" : string 
"Compression" : int 
"PhotometricInterpretation" : int 
"Make" : string 
"Model" : string 
"SamplesPerPixel" : int 
"ResolutionUnit" : int 
"Software" : string 
"DateTime" : string 
"Predictor" : int 
"XMP" : string 

Module Image.TIM


Handle decoding of TIM images.

TIM is the framebuffer format of the PSX game system. It is a simple, uncompressed, truecolor or CLUT format with a one bit alpha channel.

Method decode
Method decode_alpha
Method decode_header
Method _decode

object decode(string data)
object decode_alpha(string data)
mapping decode_header(string data)
mapping _decode(string data)


decodes a TIM image

The decode_header and _decode has these elements:

   "image":object            - image object    \- not decode_header
   "alpha":object            - decoded alpha   /
   "type":"image/x-tim"      - image type
   "xsize":int               - horisontal size in pixels
   "ysize":int               - vertical size in pixels
   "attr":int                - texture attributes

Module Image.TTF


This module adds TTF (Truetype font) capability to the Image module.


This module needs the libttf "Freetype" library

Method `()

object `()(string filename)
object `()(string filename, mapping options)


Makes a new TTF Face object.

Parameter filename

The filename of the TTF font or the TTC font collection.

Parameter options

advanced options:
        If opening a font collection,  '<tt>.TTC</tt>',
        this is used to get other fonts than the first.


0 if failed.

Class Image.TTF.Face


This represents instances of TTF Faces.

Method names
Method _names

mapping names()
array(array) _names()


Gives back the names or the complete name-list of this face.

The result from names() is a mapping, which has any or all of these indices:

"copyright":   ("Copyright the Foo Corporation...bla bla")
"family":      ("My Little Font")
"style":       ("Bold")
"full":        ("Foo: My Little Font: 1998")
"expose":      ("My Little Font Bold")
"version":     ("June 1, 1998; 1.00, ...")
"postscript":  ("MyLittleFont-Bold")
"trademark":   ("MyLittleFont is a registered...bla bla")

This is extracted from the information from _names(), and fit into pike-strings using unicode or iso-8859-1, if possible.

The result from _names() is a matrix, on this form:

     ({ ({ int platform, encoding, language, id, string name }),
        ({ int platform, encoding, language, id, string name }),


the name as a mapping to string or the names as a matrix


To use the values from _names(), check the TrueType standard documentation.

Method `()

object res = Image.TTF.Face()()


This instantiates the face for normal usage - to convert font data to images.


a Image.TTF.FaceInstance object.

Method flush

object flush()


This flushes all cached information. Might be used to save memory - the face information is read back from disk upon need.


the object being called

Method properties

mapping properties()


This gives back a structure of the face's properties. Most of this stuff is information you can skip.

The most interesting item to look at may be ->num_Faces, which describes the number of faces in a .TTC font collection.


a mapping of a lot of properties

Class Image.TTF.FaceInstance


This is the instance of a face, with geometrics, encodings and stuff.

Method create

Image.TTF.FaceInstance Image.TTF.FaceInstance(object face)


creates a new Instance from a face.

Module Image.WBMP


Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format - WAP bitmap format - WBMP.

Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap Format (shortened to Wireless Bitmap and with file extension .wbmp) is a monochrome graphics file format that was optimized for the extremely low-end mobile computing devices that were common in the early days of the mobile web.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string image)


Decode the given image

"img" : Image.Image

The MIME type and encoding for the image, e.g. "image/x-wap.wbmp; type=0".

"format" : string
"xsize" : int 
"ysize" : int 
"fix_header_field" : int 
"ext_header_field" : int 

Method encode
Method _encode

string encode(object image, void|mapping args)
string _encode(object image, void|mapping args)


Encode the given image as a WBMP image. All pixels that are not black will be encoded as white.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string image)


Decode the given image

Method decode_header

mapping decode_header(string image)

"format" : string

The MIME type and encoding for the image, e.g. "image/x-wap.wbmp; type=0".

"xsize" : int 
"ysize" : int 
"fix_header_field" : int 
"ext_header_field" : int 

Module Image.WebP


WebP is a truecolor image format with alpha channel support currently developed by Google.

This module supports decoding and encoding of lossy and lossless WebP images with and without alpha channels using the libwebp library.

WebP images are generally smaller than the same quality JPEG or PNG image, but takes longer to encode and decode, and support in various applications is less common.

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string data)


Decode a WebP image.

"alpha" : Image.Image
"image" : Image.Image
"format" : string
"width" : int(1..16384)
"height" : int(1..16384)

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string data)


Decode a WebP image, like _decode.


The decoded image or an error

Method encode

string encode(Image.Image image, mapping(string:int|float|Image.Image)|void options)


Encode an image using the WebP format.

The image to encode has to be at most 16384 pixels in any direction.

Commonly used options:

"alpha" : Image.Image

If present, the alpha channel for the image will be the green component of this image. Has to be the same size as the image

"preset" : int


"lossless" : bool

If set, do lossless encoding.

"quality" : float

Between 0 and 99. If quality is 100+, lossless encoding with quality 70 will be used.

Additionally these advanced options are also supported:

"image_hint" : int

One of HINT_DEFAULT, HINT_PICTURE, HINT_PHOTO and HINT_GRAPH. Only used in lossless mode

"target_size" : int

If non zero, sets the desired filesize, in bytes. Takes precedence over quality.

"target_PSNR" : int

if non-zero, specifies the minimal distortion to try to achieve. Takes precedence over target_size.

"segments" : int(1..4)

maximum number of segments to use.

"sns_strength" : int(0..100)

Spatial Noise Shaping. 0=off, 100=maximum.

"filter_strength" : int(0..100)


"filter_sharpness" : int(3bit)


"filter_type" : bool

For the type, 0=simple, 1=strong.

autofilter : bool

If true, automatically adjust the filter strengths

"alpha_compression" : bool

Select alpha channel encoding format. Currently supported are 0: No alpha and 1: WebP lossless

"alpha_filtering" : int(0..2)

Select alpha filtering method. 0: none, 1: fast, 2: best. Default if 1.

"alpha_quality" : int(0..100)

Select the base image quality for the alpha channel.

"pass" : int(1..10)

The number of entropy analysis passes. Defaults to 1.

"show_compressed" : bool 
"preprocessing" : bool

If true, do preprocessing (segment-smooth)

"partitions" : int(2bit)

log2(number of token partitions). Default is set to 0 for easier progressive decoding.

"partition_limit" : int(0..100)

quality degradation allowed to fit the 512k limit on prediction modes coding (0: no degradation, 100: maximum possible degradation).

"emulate_jpeg_size" : bool

If true, try to map the quality setting to generate similar sizes when compared to jpeg.

"thread_level" : int

The maximum number of extra threads to use. Defaults to 0

"low_memory" : bool

Decrease memory usage at the cost of encoding speed


Always returns the encoded image as a string or throws an error.

Module Image.X


This submodule handles encoding and decoding of the binary formats of X11, and can also be used for other non-compressed image formats.

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.Colortable

Method decode_pseudocolor

object decode_pseudocolor(string data, int width, int height, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, object colortable)


lazy support for pseudocolor ZPixmaps


currently, only byte-aligned pixmaps are supported

Method decode_truecolor
Method decode_truecolor_masks

object decode_truecolor(string data, int width, int height, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rbits, int rshift, int gbits, int gshift, int bbits, int bshift)
object decode_truecolor_masks(string data, int width, int height, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask)


lazy support for truecolor ZPixmaps


currently, only byte-aligned masks are supported

Method encode_pseudocolor

string encode_pseudocolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int vbpp, object colortable)
string encode_pseudocolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int vbpp, object colortable, string translate)

Parameter image

the image object to encode

Parameter bpp

bits per pixel, how many bits each pixel should take

Parameter vbpp

value bits per pixel; how many bits per pixel that really contains information

Parameter alignbits

the number of even bits each line should be padded to

Parameter colortable

colortable to get indices for pseudocolor

Parameter translate

translate table for colors. Length of this string should be 1<<vbpp (or 2<<vbpp if vbpp are greater than 8).


currently, only upto 16 bits pseudocolor are supported.

Method encode_truecolor
Method encode_truecolor_masks

string encode_truecolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rbits, int rshift, int gbits, int gshift, int bbits, int bshift)
string encode_truecolor_masks(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask)
string encode_truecolor(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rbits, int rshift, int gbits, int gshift, int bbits, int bshift, object ct)
string encode_truecolor_masks(object image, int bpp, int alignbits, int swapbytes, int rmask, int gmask, int bmask, object ct)


Pack an image into a truecolor string. You will get a string of packed red, green and blue bits; ie:

encode_truecolor(img, 12,32, 0, 3,5, 4,0, 3,8) will give (aligned to even 32 bits for each row):
0bbbrrr0 gggg0bbb rrr0gggg 0bbb...
<--pixel 1--><--pixel 2--> <--3-->
10987654 32101098 76543210 1098... <- bit position <-><-> <--> | | +--- 4,0: 4 bits green shifted 0 bits | +-------- 3,5: 3 bits red shifted 5 bits +----------- 3,8: 3 bits blue shifted 8 bits

The above call is equal to
encode_truecolor_masks(img, 12,32, 0, 224, 15, 768) and
encode_truecolor(img, 12,32, 0, 3,5,4,0,3,8, colortable(1<<3,1<<4,1<<3)).
The latter gives possibility to use dither algorithms, but is slightly slower.

Parameter image

the image object to encode

Parameter bpp

bits per pixel, how many bits each pixel should take

Parameter alignbits

the number of even bits each line should be padded to

Parameter rbits
Parameter gbits
Parameter bbits

bits for each basecolor

Parameter rshift
Parameter gshift
Parameter bshift

leftshifts for each basecolor

Parameter rmask
Parameter gmask
Parameter bmask

masks for each basecolor (xbits and gbits are calculated from this), needs to be massive (no zeroes among the ones in the mask).

Parameter ct

colortable object (for dithering, or whatever)

Parameter swapbytes

swap bytes for bpp==16,24,32, swaps bits in the bytes if bpp==1, for change of byte/bitorder between client and server.

Module Image.XBM


Decode and encode X BitMap images.

This is a monochrome format historically used in the X Window System. It is a plain text image format, mainly used for storing cursor and icon bitmaps used in the X GUI. The XBM format was officially deprecated in 1989, replaced with the XPM format.

Method _decode

object _decode(string data)
object _decode(string data, object mappingoptions)


Decodes a XBM image to a mapping.

    Supported options:
      "fg":({fgcolor}),    // Foreground color. Default black
      "bg":({bgcolor}),    // Background color. Default white
      "invert":1,          // Invert the mask


Throws upon error in data.

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes a XBM image.


Throws upon error in data.

Method encode

string encode(object image)
string encode(object image, object mappingoptions)


Encodes a XBM image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero or more encoding options.

normal options:
        The name of the XBM. Defaults to 'image'

Module Image.XCF


eXperimental Computing Facility (aka GIMP native) format.

Inherit _XCF

inherit Image._XCF : _XCF

Constant HUE_MODE

constant Image.XCF.NORMAL_MODE
constant Image.XCF.DISSOLVE_MODE
constant Image.XCF.BEHIND_MODE
constant Image.XCF.MULTIPLY_MODE
constant Image.XCF.SCREEN_MODE
constant Image.XCF.OVERLAY_MODE
constant Image.XCF.ADDITION_MODE
constant Image.XCF.SUBTRACT_MODE
constant Image.XCF.HUE_MODE
constant Image.XCF.COLOR_MODE
constant Image.XCF.VALUE_MODE
constant Image.XCF.DIVIDE_MODE
constant Image.XCF.REPLACE_MODE
constant Image.XCF.ERASE_MODE


The GIMP image layer modes

Constant Red
Constant Green
Constant Blue
Constant Gray
Constant Indexed
Constant Auxillary

constant Image.XCF.Red
constant Image.XCF.Green
constant Image.XCF.Blue
constant Image.XCF.Gray
constant Image.XCF.Indexed
constant Image.XCF.Auxillary


The GIMP channel types

Method ___decode

object ___decode(string|mapping data)


Decodes a XCF image to a mapping.

Structure reference
          "mask":0 || ([

Method __decode

object __decode(string|mapping data, object mapping|voidoptions)


Decodes a XCF image to a Image.XCF.GimpImage object.

Returned structure reference
   !class GimpImage
     int width;
     int height;
     int compression;
     int type;
     int tattoo_state;
     float xres = 72.0;
     float yres = 72.0;
     int res_unit;
     Image.Colortable colormap;
     Image.Colortable meta_colormap;
     array(Layer) layers = ({});
     array(Channel) channels = ({});
     array(Guide) guides = ({});
     array(Parasite) parasites = ({});
     array(Path) paths = ({});
     Layer active_layer;
     Channel active_channel;
     Channel selection;
   !class Layer
     string name;
     int opacity;
     int type;
     int mode;
     int tattoo;
     mapping flags = ([]);
     int width, height;
     int xoffset, yoffset;
     array (Parasite) parasites;
     LayerMask mask;
     Hierarchy image;
   !class Channel
     string name;
     int width;
     int height;
     int opacity;
     int r, g, b;
     int tattoo;
     Hierarchy image_data;
     object parent;
     mapping flags = ([]);
     array (Parasite) parasites;
   !class Hierarchy
     Image.Image img;
     Image.Image alpha;
     int width;
     int height;
     int bpp;
   !class Parasite
     string name;
     int flags;
     string data;
   !class Guide
     int pos;
     int vertical;
   !class Path
     string name;
     int ptype;
     int tattoo;
     int closed;
     int state;
     int locked;
     array (PathPoint) points = ({});
   !class PathPoint
     int type;
     float x;
     float y;

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string|object data, mapping|void options)


Decodes a XCF image to a mapping, with at least an 'image' and possibly an 'alpha' object. Data is either a XCF image, or a XCF.GimpImage object structure (as received from __decode)

 Supported options
    "background":({r,g,b})||Image.Color object
         Draw invisible layers as well
         Draw the guides
          Mark the selection using an overlay
          Do not asume 'Normal' for unknown layer modes.
         Draw an outline around all (drawn) layers
    "mark_layer_names":Image.Font object,
         Write the name of all layers using the font object,
         Draw an outline around the active layer


Throws upon error in data. For more information, see Image.XCF.__decode

Method _decode

mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(string gimp_image_data, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(GimpImage gimp_image, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
mapping(string:Image.Image|string) _decode(mapping(string:mixed) gimp_image_chunks, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)


Decode the image data given as the first argument. If it is a string, it is a gimp image file.

If it is a mapping it is the value you get when calling ___decode()

The options can contain one or more of these options:

"draw_all_layers" : bool

If included, all layers will be decoded, even the non-visible ones.

"shrink_fact" : int

Shrink the image by a factor of X. Useful for previews.

"draw_guides" : bool

If true, draw the vertical and horizontal guides

"mark_layers" : bool

If true, draw boxes around layers

"mark_layer_names" : bool

If true, draw layer names in the image

"mark_active_layer" : bool

If true, highlight the active layer

The return value has this format:

"type" : string


"img" : Image.Image

The image

"alpha" : Image.Image

The alpha channel

Method decode

object decode(string data)


Decodes a XCF image to a single image object.


Throws upon error in data, you will loose quite a lot of information by doing this. See Image.XCF._decode and Image.XCF.__decode

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string what, mapping|void opts)


See _decode. This function returns the image member of the return mapping of that function.

Method decode_header

mapping decode_header(string|mapping|GimpImage data)


Return information about the given image (xsize, ysize and type). Somewhat inefficient, it actually decodes the image completely.

Method decode_layers

array(object) decode_layers(object stringdata)
array(object) decode_layers(object stringdata, object mappingoptions)


Decodes a XCF image to an array of Image.Layer objects

The layer object have the following extra variables (to be queried using get_misc_value):

image_xres, image_yres, image_colormap, image_guides, image_parasites, name, parasites, visible, active

Takes the same argument mapping as _decode,

Method decode_layers

array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(string gimp_image_data, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(GimpImage gimp_image, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)
array(Image.Layer) decode_layers(mapping(string:mixed) gimp_image_chunks, mapping(string:mixed)|void opts)


Decode the image data given as the first argument. If it is a string, it is a gimp image file.

If it is a mapping it is the value you get when calling ___decode()

The options can contain one or more of these options:

"draw_all_layers" : bool

If included, all layers will be decoded, even the non-visible ones.

"background" : Image.Color

If included, include a solid background layer with the given color

"shrink_fact" : int

Shrink the image by a factor of X. Useful for previews.

The layers have a number of extra properties set on them:

"image_xres" : int

Values, global to all layers, copied from the GimpImage. Still present in all layers

"image_yres" : int
"image_colormap" : Image.Colormap
"image_guides" : array(Guide)
"image_parasites" : array(Parasite)
"name" : string 
"visible" : bool 
"active" : bool 
"tatoo" : int 
"parasites" : array(Parasite) 

Method translate_mode

string translate_mode(int mode)


Convert a GIMP layer mode to an Image.Layer layer mode

Class Image.XCF.Channel

Variable r
Variable g
Variable b

int Image.XCF.Channel.r
int Image.XCF.Channel.g
int Image.XCF.Channel.b

Variable flags

mapping Image.XCF.Channel.flags

Variable width
Variable height

int Image.XCF.Channel.width
int Image.XCF.Channel.height

Variable image_data

Hierarchy Image.XCF.Channel.image_data

Variable name

string Image.XCF.Channel.name

Variable opacity

int Image.XCF.Channel.opacity

Variable parasites

array(Parasite) Image.XCF.Channel.parasites

Variable parent

object Image.XCF.Channel.parent

Variable tattoo

int Image.XCF.Channel.tattoo

Class Image.XCF.GimpImage

Variable active_channel

Channel Image.XCF.GimpImage.active_channel

Variable active_layer

Layer Image.XCF.GimpImage.active_layer

Variable channels

array(Channel) Image.XCF.GimpImage.channels

Variable colormap

Image.Colortable Image.XCF.GimpImage.colormap

Variable compression

int Image.XCF.GimpImage.compression

Variable guides

array(Guide) Image.XCF.GimpImage.guides

Variable width
Variable height

int Image.XCF.GimpImage.width
int Image.XCF.GimpImage.height

Variable layers

array(Layer) Image.XCF.GimpImage.layers

Variable meta_colormap

Image.Colortable Image.XCF.GimpImage.meta_colormap

Variable parasites

array(Parasite) Image.XCF.GimpImage.parasites

Variable paths

array(Path) Image.XCF.GimpImage.paths

Variable res_unit

int Image.XCF.GimpImage.res_unit

Variable selection

Channel Image.XCF.GimpImage.selection

Variable tattoo_state

int Image.XCF.GimpImage.tattoo_state

Variable type

int Image.XCF.GimpImage.type

Variable xres
Variable yres

float Image.XCF.GimpImage.xres
float Image.XCF.GimpImage.yres

Class Image.XCF.Guide


A single guideline

Variable pos

int Image.XCF.Guide.pos

Variable vertical

int Image.XCF.Guide.vertical

Class Image.XCF.Hierarchy

Variable width
Variable height
Variable bpp
Variable tiles
Variable compression
Variable ct

int Image.XCF.Hierarchy.width
int Image.XCF.Hierarchy.height
int Image.XCF.Hierarchy.bpp
array Image.XCF.Hierarchy.tiles
int Image.XCF.Hierarchy.compression
Image.Colortable Image.XCF.Hierarchy.ct

Method __create__

protected local void __create__(int width, int height, int bpp, array tiles, int compression, Image.Colortable ct)

Method create

Image.XCF.Hierarchy Image.XCF.Hierarchy(int width, int height, int bpp, array tiles, int compression, Image.Colortable ct)

Method get_layer

Image.Layer get_layer(int|void shrink)

Class Image.XCF.Layer

Variable flags

mapping(string:int) Image.XCF.Layer.flags

Variable width
Variable height

int Image.XCF.Layer.width
int Image.XCF.Layer.height

Variable image

Hierarchy Image.XCF.Layer.image

Variable mask

LayerMask Image.XCF.Layer.mask

Variable mode

int Image.XCF.Layer.mode

Variable name

string Image.XCF.Layer.name

Variable opacity

int Image.XCF.Layer.opacity

Variable parasites

array(Parasite) Image.XCF.Layer.parasites

Variable parent

GimpImage Image.XCF.Layer.parent

Variable tattoo

int Image.XCF.Layer.tattoo

Variable type

int Image.XCF.Layer.type

Variable xoffset
Variable yoffset

int Image.XCF.Layer.xoffset
int Image.XCF.Layer.yoffset

Class Image.XCF.LayerMask

Inherit Channel

inherit Channel : Channel

Class Image.XCF.Parasite

Variable name
Variable flags
Variable data

string Image.XCF.Parasite.name
int Image.XCF.Parasite.flags
string Image.XCF.Parasite.data

Method __create__

protected local void __create__(string name, int flags, string data)

Method create

Image.XCF.Parasite Image.XCF.Parasite(string name, int flags, string data)

Class Image.XCF.Path


A path

Variable closed

int Image.XCF.Path.closed

Variable locked

int Image.XCF.Path.locked

Variable name

string Image.XCF.Path.name

Variable points

array(PathPoint) Image.XCF.Path.points

Variable ptype

int Image.XCF.Path.ptype

Variable state

int Image.XCF.Path.state

Variable tattoo

int Image.XCF.Path.tattoo

Class Image.XCF.PathPoint


A point on a path

Variable type

int Image.XCF.PathPoint.type

Variable x
Variable y

float Image.XCF.PathPoint.x
float Image.XCF.PathPoint.y

Module Image.XFace



This module uses libgmp.

Method decode

object decode(string data)
object decode(string data, object mappingoptions)


Decodes an X-Face image.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero options.

Method decode_header

object decode_header(string data)
object decode_header(string data, object mappingoptions)


Decodes an X-Face image header.

        size of image
        file type information

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero options.


There aint no such thing as a X-Face image header. This stuff tells the characteristics of an X-Face image.

Method encode

string encode(object img)
string encode(object img, object mappingoptions)


Encodes an X-Face image.

The img argument must be an image of the dimensions 48 by 48 pixels. All non-black pixels will be considered white.

The options argument may be a mapping containing zero options.

Module Image.XPM


X PixMap image format. Specifically, XPM3.

XPM1 and XPM2 are not supported. (XPM3 has been the standard since 1991).

Inherit _XPM

inherit Image._XPM : _XPM

Method _decode

mapping _decode(string bytes, mapping|void options)


Decode the given XPM image.

"img" : Image.Image
"alpha" : Image.Image
"format" : string

No options are currently supported.

Method _xpm_trim_rows

array(string) _xpm_trim_rows(array(string) rows)

Method _xpm_write_rows

int(0) _xpm_write_rows(Image.Image img, Image.Image alpha, int bpc, array(string) colors, array(string) pixels)


Fills in img and alpha according to xpm data in bpc, colors and pixels.

Parameter bpc

Bytes per color. Number of bytes used to encode each color in pixels.

Parameter colors

Array of color definitions.

A color definition is on the format "ee c #RRGGBB", where ee is a bpc long string used to encode the color, c is a literal "c", and RRGGBB is a hexadecimal RGB code.

Parameter pixels

Raw picture information.

string 0

Size information on the format (sprintf("%d %d %d %d", h, w, ncolors, bpn)).

string 1..ncolors

Same as colors.

string ncolors_plus_one..ncolors_plus_h

Line information. Strings of length bpn*w with encoded pixels for each line.

Method decode

Image.Image decode(string bytes)

Method encode

string encode(Image.Image image, mapping|void options)


Encode the given image as a XPM image.

This will, at least currently, always produce a 2-characters-per-pixel XPM.

The supported options are:

"name" : string(1..128)
"colortable" : Image.Colortable
"alpha" : Image.Image
"comment" : string(1..128)

Module Image.XWD


This submodule keeps the XWD (X Windows Dump) decode capabilities of the Image module.

XWD is the output format for the xwd program.

Simple decoding:

Advanced decoding:

See also

Image, Image.Image, Image.PNM, Image.X

Method _decode
Method decode_header

mapping _decode(string data)
mapping decode_header(string data)


Decodes XWD data and returns the result.

Supported XWD visual classes and encoding formats are TrueColor / ZPixmap DirectColor / ZPixmap PseudoColor / ZPixmap

If someone sends me files of other formats, these formats may be implemented. :) /mirar+pike@mirar.org


the decoded image as an image object


This function may throw errors upon illegal or unknown XWD data.

See also


Method decode

object decode(string data)


Simple decodes a XWD image file.