23. Introspection

23.1. Value inspection

Method arrayp

int arrayp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is an array, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), mappingp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method callablep

int callablep(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a callable, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), intp()

Method destructedp

int destructedp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a destructed object, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

zero_type, undefinedp, intp

Method floatp

int floatp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a float, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), multisetp(), objectp(), mappingp(), stringp(), functionp()

Method functionp

int functionp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a function, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), intp()

Method intp

int intp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is an int, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method mappingp

int mappingp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a mapping, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method multisetp

int multisetp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a multiset, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

intp(), programp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), mappingp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method programp

int programp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is a program, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

mappingp(), intp(), arrayp(), stringp(), objectp(), multisetp(), floatp(), functionp()

Method undefinedp

int undefinedp(mixed arg)


Returns 1 if arg is undefined, 0 (zero) otherwise.

See also

zero_type, destructedp, intp

Method _typeof

type _typeof(mixed x)


Return the runtime type of x.

See also


23.2. Content inspection

Method indices

array indices(string|array|mapping|multiset|object x)


Return an array of all valid indices for the value x.

Parameter x

For strings and arrays this is simply an array of ascending numbers.


For mappings and multisets, the array might contain any value.


For objects which define lfun::_indices() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with the names of all non-protected symbols is returned.

See also

values(), types(), lfun::_indices()

Method values

array values(string|array|mapping|multiset|object x)


Return an array of all possible values from indexing the value x.

Parameter x

For strings an array of int with the ISO10646 codes of the characters in the string is returned.


For a multiset an array filled with ones (1) is returned.


For arrays a single-level copy of x is returned.


For mappings the array may contain any value.


For objects which define lfun::_values() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with the values of all non-protected symbols is returned.

See also

indices(), types(), lfun::_values()

Method types

array(type) types(string|array|mapping|multiset|object|program x)


Return an array with the types of all valid indices for the value x.

Parameter x

For strings this is simply an array with int


For arrays, mappings and multisets this is simply an array with mixed.


For objects which define lfun::_types() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with type types for all non-protected symbols is returned.


This function was added in Pike 7.9.

See also

indices(), values(), lfun::_types()

Method annotations

array(multiset(Pike.Annotation)) annotations(object|program|function(:void) x, bool|void recurse)


Return an array with the annotations for all symbols in x.

Parameter x

For objects which define lfun::_annotations() that return value is used.

For other objects an array with annotations for all non-protected symbols is returned.


Returns an array with annotations for all non-protected constant symbols.

Parameter recurse

Include annotations recursively added via inherits.


The order of the resulting array is the same as that of indices() for the same x.


This function was added in Pike 8.1.

See also

indices(), values(), types(), lfun::_annotations(), ::_annotations(), Program.annotations

Method get_weak_flag

int get_weak_flag(array|mapping|multiset m)


Returns the weak flag settings for m. It's a combination of Pike.WEAK_INDICES and Pike.WEAK_VALUES.

23.3. Integer inspection

Method zero_type

int zero_type(mixed a)


Return the type of zero.

There are many types of zeros out there, or at least there are two. One is returned by normal functions, and one returned by mapping lookups and find_call_out() when what you looked for wasn't there. The only way to separate these two kinds of zeros is zero_type().


When doing a find_call_out() or mapping lookup, zero_type() on this value will return 1 if there was no such thing present in the mapping, or if no such call_out could be found.

If the argument to zero_type() is a destructed object or a function in a destructed object, 2 will be returned.

In all other cases zero_type() will return 0 (zero).

See also


23.4. Function inspection

Method function_name

string function_name(function(:void)|program f)


Return the name of the function or program f.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

See also


Method function_object

object function_object(function(:void) f)


Return the object the function f is in.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

Zero will also be returned if f is a constant in the parent class. In that case function_program() can be used to get the parent program.

See also

function_name(), function_program()

Method function_program

program function_program(function(:void)|program f)


Return the program the function f is in.

If f is a global function defined in the runtime 0 (zero) will be returned.

See also

function_name(), function_object()

23.5. Object inspection

Method object_program

program|function(:void) object_program(mixed o)


Return the program from which o was instantiated. If the object was instantiated from a class using parent references the generating function will be returned.

If o is not an object or has been destructed 0 (zero) will be returned.

23.6. Program inspection

Method get_profiling_info

array(int|mapping(string:array(int))) get_profiling_info(program prog)


Get profiling information.


Returns an array with two elements.

int num_clones

The first element is the number of times the program prog has been instantiated.

mapping(string:array(int)) fun_prof_info

The second element is mapping from function name to an array with three elements.

int num_calls

The first element is the number of times the function has been called.

int total_time

The second element is the total time (in milliseconds) spent executing this function, and any functions called from it.

int self_time

The third element is the time (in milliseconds) actually spent in this function so far.


This function is only available if the runtime was compiled with the option --with-profiling.

Method typeof_identifier

type|zero typeof_identifier(program p, string identifier)


Allows access to the static type of an identifier ("member") in a program.


The static type of p->identifier, or UNDEFINED if it can not be determined, be it because identifier does not exist in p or for other reasons.

23.7. Type inspection

Method deprecated_typep

bool deprecated_typep(type t)


Checks if the supplied type has the "deprecated" attribute. This would generally only be true in static types of identifiers that have been marked as __deprecated__.


1 if the type has the "deprecated" attribute, 0 otherwise.