Directive #pragma

Directive #pragma



This is a generic directive for flags to the compiler.

These are some of the flags that are available:


This is the same as adding the modifier inline to all functions that follow.


Instructs the compiler to mark all symbols as final.


Enable warnings for use of deprecated symbols (default).


Disable warnings for use of deprecated symbols. This is typically used in code that implements the deprecated symbols.


Cause nested classes to save a reference to their surrounding class even if not strictly needed.


Inverse of "save_parent". This is needed to override if the global symbol __pragma_save_parent__ has been set.


Enable warnings for all cases where the compiler isn't certain that the types are correct.


Enable disassembly output for the code being compiled. Note that this option essentially has a function-level scope, so enabling it for just a few lines is usually a noop. This is similar to Debug.assembler_debug() level 3.


Disable disassembly output (default).