Class Concurrent.AggregatedPromise (< ValueType >)

Inheritance graph
Concurrent.Future Concurrent.Promise Concurrent.AggregatedPromise

Promise to provide an aggregated Future value.

Objects of this class are typically kept internal to the code that provides the Future value. The only thing that is directly returned to the user is the return value from future().


It is currently possible to use this class as a normal Promise (ie without aggregation), but those functions may get removed in a future version of Pike. Functions to avoid include success() and try_success(). If you do not need aggregation use Promise.

See also

Future, future(), Promise, first_completed(), race(), results(), all(), fold()

Generic ValueType

__generic__ mixed ValueType = mixed


This is the type for the value provided by the individual aggregated Futures.

Inherit Promise

inherit Promise(< array(ValueType)|ValueType >) : Promise

Variable dependency_results

protected array(mapping(int:ValueType)) Concurrent.AggregatedPromise.dependency_results

mapping(int:mixed) 0

Successful results.

mapping(int:mixed) 1

Failed results.