Method Image.Image()->match()

Method match

object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_cert, object objectneedle_cert)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_avoid, object intfoo)
object match(int|float scale, object objectneedle, object objecthaystack_cert, object objectneedle_cert, object objecthaystack_avoid, object intfoo)


This method creates an image that describes the match in every pixel in the image and the needle-Image.

   new pixel value =
     sum( my_abs(needle_pixel-haystack_pixel))

The new image only have the red rgb-part set.

Parameter scale

Every pixel is divided with this value. Note that a proper value here depends on the size of the neadle.

Parameter needle

The image to use for the matching.

Parameter haystack_cert

This image should be the same size as the image itselves. A non-white-part of the haystack_cert-image modifies the output by lowering it.

Parameter needle_cert

The same, but for the needle-image.

Parameter foo
Parameter haystack_avoid

This image should be the same size as the image itselves. If foo is less than the red value in haystack_avoid the corresponding matching-calculating is not calculated. The avoided parts are drawn in the color 0,100,0.


the new image object


experimental status; may not be exact the same output in later versions

See also

phasev, phaseh