Method __builtin.Sql.Connection()->big_typed_query()

Method big_typed_query

variant .Result big_typed_query(object|string q)


Send an SQL query synchronously to the SQL-server and return the results in typed mode.

For the argument, please see the big_query() function.


An Sql.Result object in typed mode. This allows for having some more info about the result as well as processing the result in a streaming fashion, although the result itself wasn't obtained streamingly from the server.


Typed mode support varies per database and per datatype. SQL datatypes which the current database cannot return as a native Pike type, will be returned as (untyped) strings.


Despite the name, this function is not only useful for "big" queries. It typically has less overhead than typed_query also for ones that return only a few rows.

Drivers should override this prototype function.

See also

query, typed_query, big_query, streaming_query

Method big_typed_query

variant .Result big_typed_query(object|string q, mapping(string|int:mixed) bindings)


Send an SQL query synchronously to the SQL-server and return the results in typed mode.

For the arguments, please see the big_query() function.

The result is returned as an Sql.Result object in typed mode. This allows for having some more info about the result as well as processing the result in a streaming fashion, although the result itself wasn't obtained streamingly from the server.


Typed mode support varies per database and per datatype. SQL datatypes which the current database cannot return as a native Pike type, will be returned as (untyped) strings.


Despite the name, this function is not only useful for "big" queries. It typically has less overhead than typed_query also for ones that return only a few rows.

Drivers that actually support bindings should overload this variant in addition to the base variant.

See also

query, typed_query, big_query, streaming_query

Method big_typed_query

variant .Result big_typed_query(object|string q, string|multiset|int|float|object extraarg, string|multiset|int|float|object ... extraargs)


Send an SQL query synchronously to the SQL-server and return the results in typed mode.

For the arguments, please see the big_query() function.

The result is returned as an Sql.Result object in typed mode. This allows for having some more info about the result as well as processing the result in a streaming fashion, although the result itself wasn't obtained streamingly from the server.


Typed mode support varies per database and per datatype. SQL datatypes which the current database cannot return as a native Pike type, will be returned as (untyped) strings.


Despite the name, this function is not only useful for "big" queries. It typically has less overhead than typed_query also for ones that return only a few rows.

See also

query, typed_query, big_query, streaming_query