Method lfun::__create__()

Method __create__

void __create__(__unknown__ ... args)


Low-level object creation callback.

This function is generated automatically by the compiler for inline classes that declare parameters. A call to it and its arguments are automatically added to user-supplied lfun::create()


This function is typically created implicitly by the compiler using the syntax:

class Foo(int foo) {
  int bar;

In the above case an implicit lfun::__create__() is created, and it's equivalent to:

class Foo {
  int foo;
  int bar;
  local protected void __create__(int foo)
    this::foo = foo;

Note also that in case lfun::create() does not exist, it will be created as an alias for this function.


This function did not exist in Pike 8.0 and earlier (where it was instead automatically inlined in lfun::create().

See also

lfun::create(), lfun::__INIT()