Class Protocols.LDAP.client

Inheritance graph
Protocols.LDAP.protocol Protocols.LDAP.client

Contains the client implementation of the LDAP protocol. All of the version 2 protocol features are implemented but only the base parts of the version 3.

Inherit protocol

inherit .protocol : protocol

Variable info



Several information about code itself and about active connection too

Method create

Protocols.LDAP.client Protocols.LDAP.client()
Protocols.LDAP.client Protocols.LDAP.client(string|mapping(string:mixed) url)
Protocols.LDAP.client Protocols.LDAP.client(string|mapping(string:mixed) url, object context)


Create object. The first optional argument can be used later for subsequence operations. The second one can specify TLS context of connection. The default context only allows 128-bit encryption methods, so you may need to provide your own context if your LDAP server supports only export encryption.

Parameter url

LDAP server URL on the form "ldap://hostname/basedn?attrlist?scope?ext". See RFC 2255. It can also be a mapping as returned by Protocol.LDAP.parse_ldap_url.

Parameter context

TLS context of connection

See also


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