
This directory contains files realated to Pike (previously called uLPC).
Some of these files might make it in to the base Pike distribution
eventually, much depending on how much they are used. Also note that most
of these files weren't written by me (Fredrik Hubinette) and bug-reports
should be sent to the individual authours when possible.

Currently available:
lpc.el:			uLPC-mode for emacs by Per Hedbor
ulpcwish.tar.gz:	Tcl/Tk <-> interface including xhilfe.
			by Fredrik Hubinette
curses.tar.gz:		Curses module, written by Allen Garvin
gdmod.tar.gz:		Module for creating GIF images, written by Allen Garvin
			uses the gd library from Tom Boutelli
msqlmod-0.2.tar.gz:	A module for interfacing to an mSQL database server.
			by Francesco Chemolli
smap.tar.gz:		String MmAP, an example of how to use dynamic loading
			in pike. Also mmaps files into Pike strings.
			by Fredrik Hubinette