Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 503
NIC: 15747
References: 349, 433
N. Neigus
J. Postel
13 April 1973

Socket Number List

This is a second pass at the specification of the socket numbers. More sockets have been made available for experimental functions, some new sockets have been assigned for network standard functions, host specific functions and experimental functions, and the list of available sockets for server hosts has been updated.

Following are the current assignments for socket numbers used for public functions. Note that a socket number is a 40 bit quantity, the first 8 bits being the host specification, the next 24 bits being site specific, and the last 8 bits being user specified -- these last 8 bits are called the AEN [it stands for, cleverly enough, Another Eightbit Number].

For the assignments here the value in the host field ranges across al hosts (unless otherwise specified), the value in the 24 bit field is zero, and the AEN is indicated here.

General Assignments:

   Sockets             Assignment
   0 - 63              Network Wide Standard Functions
   64 - 127            Host Specific Functions
   128 - 223           Reserved for Future Use
   224 - 255           Any Experimental Function

Particular Assignments:

   Socket              Assignment
     1                 Telnet
     3                 File Transfer
     5                 Remote Job Entry
     7                 Echo
     9                 Discard
    11                 Systat or who-is-on function
    13                 Date-Time function
    15                 Netstat or who-is-up function
    19                 Character Generator [e.g. TTYTST]
    65                 Speech Data Base @ 11-tx-2 (74)
    69                 CPYNET
    71                 NETRJS [EBCDIC]
    73                 NETRJS [ASCII]
    75                 NETRJS [TTY]
   241                 NCP Measurement
   243                 Survey Measurement
   245                 LINK
   247                 RSEXEC
   249                 RSEXEC
   251                 RSEXEC

The specifications for the assigned functions can be found in the documents listed here:

   Telnet                   NIC 7104
   File Transfer            NIC 7104
   Remote Job Entry         NIC 7104
   Echo                     RFC 347
   Discard                  RFC 348
   Character Generator      RFC 429
   Speech Data Base         SUR 37
   Datacomputer             [Murray @ CCA]
   NCP Measurement          RFC 388
   Survey Data              [Kampa @ NMC]
   LINK                     [Bressler @ BBN]
   RSEXEC                   [Thomas @ BBN]

There are several hosts performing public services on sockets which conflict with the above scheme. We hope we can resolve these conflicts with a minimum of disruption.

The following is a tabulation of socket numbers together with the services offered. This listing is presented as an aid to network users. If you know of a socket function which has been left out or an entry which should be corrected or deleted please contact:

Jon Postel
3804 Boelter Hall
Computer Science Department
University of California
Los Angeles, CA. 90024


          (213) 825-2368

NIC Ident - JBP


Nancy J. Neigus
Bolt Beranek and Newman
50 Moulton Street
Cambridge, Mass. 02138


          (617) 661-0100

NIC Ident = NJN

We will be pleased to include socket/function information for other than "official" sockets [e.g. Tip News].

   1   UCLA-NMC
       1      Telnet
       3      File Transfer
       241    NCP Measurement
       243    Survey Data
   2   SRI-ARC
       1      Telnet
       3      File Transfer
       7      Echo
       11     SYSTAT
       13     DATE-TIME
       69     CPYNET
   3   UCSB
       1      Telnet
       5      UCSB RJS [not ARPANET standard]
       7      Echo
       9      Discard
       1793, 1795, 1797, 1799, 1801, 2049 Graphics terminal sockets
       x'701', '703', '705', '707', '709', '801' o'3401', '3403',
       '3405', '3407', '3411', '4001'
       4   UTAH
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           5      Echo
           7      CPYNET
           9      SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
       6   MIT-Multics
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
       8   SDC-Adept
           1      Telnet
       9   Harvard
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
       10  LL-67
           1      Telnet
       11  SAIL
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
       13  CASE
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           11     SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
           69     CPYNET
       14  CMU
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
       15  ILLIAC-TENEX
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           5      Echo
           7      CPYNET
           9      SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
       16  NASA-AMES
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           5      Sorry Remote Job Entry
           7      Echo
           9      Discard
           241    NCP Measurement
       23  USC-44
           1      Telnet
       31  CCA-TENEX
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           11     SYSTAT
           15     NETSTAT
       35  UCSD
           1      Telnet
       65  UCLA-CCN
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           9      Discard
           71     NETRJS [EBCDIC]
           73     NETRJS [ASCII]
           75     NETRJS [TTY]
       66  SRI-AI
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           5      Echo
           7      CPYNET
           9      SYSTAT
           11     Sorry NETSAT
       69  BBN-TENEX (a)
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           11     SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
           15     NETSTAT
           17     Oneliners
           69     CPYNET
           247 = x'F7' = o'367' TIP RSEXEC Facility
       70  MIT-DMCG
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Network Status
           9      Discard
       74  LL-TX-2
           1      Telnet
       78  CMU-alt
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
       86  ISI-TENEX
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           11     SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
           69     CPYNET
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
           7      Echo
           11     SYSTAT
           13     DATE-TIME
           15     NETSTAT
           17     Oneliners
           69     CPYNET
  1. MIT-AI
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer
  1. MIT-Mathlab
           1      Telnet
           3      File Transfer

User only hosts -- no server sockets

           5      NCC
           7      RAND
           12     ILI-ANTS
           19     NBS-ANTS
           32     PARC-MAXC (currently)
           138    LL-TSP
           197    BBN-1D